Jesus needs to be our STEADFAST connection, our source that we establish our position in. He is the one that is sitting on the throne that one day we will be face-to-face with and answer to. His word stands forever, and our position needs to come from the heart of Jesus. Everyone will be held accountable by the same thing – His Word. So then, we are to be ROOTED in Jesus, BUILT UP continually, as we keep building upon and growing, ESTABLISHED in the FAITH by the increasing of our inner strength in both character and attitude. James 5:8 says, “Establish your hearts for the coming of the Lord is at hand.” It’s time to establish your heart. It’s time to connect with Jesus.
James 5:8, Colossians 2:6–7, 1 Corinthians 15:58
Through God’s Word and His precious promises found in His Word, we will become partakers of His “divine nature,” His character. God has given us everything for life and godliness through the knowledge of Him. Our relationship with God is not about getting something from Him, it’s about being a partaker of His nature, and becoming something with Him. Don’t be satisfied being an observer, and watching from the sidelines.
Exodus 29:38, 1 Corinthians 15:57–58, 2 Peter 1:2–4
Three things are required to prepare ourselves as a dwelling place – Offering, Sacrifice and CONSISTENCY. Day by day, continually we offer our lives to Jesus. On Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday . . . not just on Sundays at church, we have to commit our hearts to only do what honors Him, constantly, regularly, perpetually, never stopping. We keep coming, and we don’t back down!
Being a long-term, successful follower of Jesus, requires consistency. No one can choose it for you, you must choose for yourself every day. It can be our biggest challenge, giving our life to Jesus and staying in love with Him. It’s through a relationship and connection with Him that is the means by which we are victorious in every area of our life, valuing the connection and relationship itself, and not valuing what comes out of or from the relationship. The moment what is given takes priority over the giver, we open ourselves up to deception.
Are you ready to offer all of your heart in worship to Jesus?
Are you willing to lay your life down as a sacrifice and live only for Him?
Have I been using Jesus as a means to the end, instead of the end Himself?
In order to answer the question, “How do you know if you’re a follower of Jesus?” We must ask the question, “Who is determining my direction and route of movement?” If you’re making decisions without prayer and seeking the face of God, then it’s you. BUT, if you want to go after Jesus, and let Him be your direction and determine your route of movement, to be your leader, He invites us to take up our cross, lay everything of our own down to do whatever it takes to follow Him. This isn’t a question of salvation, it’s a question of if you are following Jesus, knowing Him, the power of His resurrection and the fellowship of His sufferings. As Paul says through it all, “even if I die, I will attain the resurrection of the dead.”
We want to be a dwelling place for God. BUT, first comes the altar and the sacrifice of dying to ourselves, climbing up onto the altar, and saying – “God I just want what you want.” That offering is a sweet aroma of reconciliation to God. And He wants to come and dwell and consume what we offer Him. It’s an every. single day thing to present our bodies as a living sacrifice – holy and acceptable to God. From your heart, begin to offer God something that is a sacrifice. Something that will require death to your comfort and preferences. Our offering to God, will require death of our flesh in our lives.