Return to First Love
Charla Lewis
April 28, 2024
“Come back to FIRST LOVE. Remember the love we shared.”
The Lord asked us and is NOW asking us to return to FIRST LOVE. It’s loving GOD FIRST. Loving Him before and ahead of anything else and anyone else, including our SELF. It’s letting Him have first place, first priority in our heart, soul, mind, strength, body and life. Every area. All that we are.
GOD IS LOVE!!! Every day we need to receive His love. He tells us to abide in His love and to remain abiding in His Love!
LOVE IS OUR WAY OF LIFE. We actually NEED His love, not only to love Him, but to love each other. We can’t do it without Him. We can’t do anything without Him. We can’t give what we don’t have. There is nothing in me – by myself – that is love. Only God is love.
1 John 4:7-10, John 15:9-10, Luke 10:27, John 14:21-24, 1 John 4:11-13, 19-21, John 13:34-35