It’s time to reengage! Whatever you’re needing today, go through the word of God and engage it.
God has plans and purpose for our lives spoken in the Word and it is the will of God. It is the driving gear. It moves everything in our lives. All of what God has for our lives, does not impact your life, until you get close and engage and connect with Him by faith, and that’s when our lives move in the same direction as His will and Word. We must not disengage with His Word. We must not reject God’s method, because it doesn’t meet our approval. The enemy will keep talking, trying to get us to disengage. Don’t! Fulfill the Word of God for your Life!
John 1:1–3, Proverbs 4:20–22, Exodus 29:42–46, John 10:9–10, John 3:3–6
There are 5 Phases of Preparing a Personal Dwelling Place with God. If we are going to experience the presence of God and walk in the things of God, the first thing we have to do is go through the “right” door. We have to #1 ENTER it. Jesus is the door! There’s no getting around Him. He is the doorway into life. There is no life outside of Him, only existing, and without being born again, we can’t even see His kingdom, how it is governed – how he “rolls.” The goal of God, is to speak with us, and once we go through the door – JESUS, the WORD, with your BIBLE open, He will #2 ENGAGE us in conversation about all the mighty things He has to say. They are LIFE. Engage in what He says. The voices we focus on, are the voices that will influence us the most. HIs WORD is LIFE. He has mighty things He wants to bring us up higher to engage with Him about. Choose JESUS. He is the “right” door, then go through Him, and Engage with God!
John 1:1–3, Proverbs 4:20–22, Exodus 29:38–46, John 10:7–10, John 3:3–6
“This shall be a continual burnt offering throughout your generations.” It goes from something “I shall do,” to something “bigger than me.” It’s a Roads Church core value – “We are Building His Kingdom – It’s Bigger Than Us!” Passing down to our children a relationship with our heavenly Father, His son Jesus Christ, and Holy Spirit is the goal. We never stop, but we are to be consistent, and pass it on, pointing towards giving it to the generations that come after us.
We reach the “nations” by going through the generations. The goals is not to reach the nations at the expense of the generations. Reaching the “nations” starts with reaching those in our own homes. Training our children in “The Way” they should go is about developing behavior by instruction and practice, pointing back to the Bible as the basis for our truth. Don’t ever apologize for teaching a way that is narrow and difficult – it is the way of Jesus.
Exodus 29:38–46, Proverbs 22:6, John 14:6, Matthew 7:14
God is a “Covenant” God. The Hebrew culture understands and takes seriously living in covenant. God established covenant with His children to bind Himself with them. Through Jesus we have a new covenant, and it is unconditional, clothing us with His righteousness. God always watches over and keeps His Covenant with His people, never breaking or going back on His word. Knowing and understanding His covenant as His sons & daughters, is necessary for living a covenant life with God.
Being consistent is one of the most important thing in our Christian life. Jesus is coming back to to settle accounts with us, for His return on His investment. Our relational, continual connection with Jesus allow us to be consistent. We must be: 1) STEADFAST, establishing a position in Jesus and His Word. 2) IMMOVABLE, holding your position you’ve established in Jesus, in the midst of adversity or opposition, and living by faith, not drawing back for fear or difficult circumstances. 3) ABOUNDING, flourishing in your position. It’s through your position in Jesus that allows you to do more than what is expected in every situation, even in the midst of adversity. We can’t do any of it on our own, it’s through our connection with Jesus, and being planted in His house.
Hebrews 6:11–12, 1 Corinthians 15:58, Hebrews 10:35–39, Psalm 92:13–14, Colossians 3:23–24