The four Seder cups tell the story of God rescuing His people out of slavery. It is part of the celebration of Passover in the Jewish Culture, passing down the story from generation to generation. The story is told through the cups in a specific order – Cup of Sanctification, Cup of Deliverance, Cup of Redemption and Cup of Praise. The Four Cups are relevant and have significant meaning for Jews and Christians today.

The Cup of Sanctification – The first cup of the Passover is “The Cup of Sanctification.” It is the first cup to be drunk at the Seder meal, and it was to remind the Israelites of God’s promise of a new life, free from the forced labor and heavy yoke of their enemy. As Christians, we too have been given the promise of a new life. We too have been brought out from under the heavy yoke and captivity of our oppressor.

The Cup of Deliverance – The second Passover Cup to be drunk during the Seder meal is “The Cup of Deliverance.” When drinking this cup, the Israelites were to remember that it was Jehovah that delivered them from the chains of bondage. It was Jehovah who passed over and saved them from the darkness of death when He saw the blood of the Lamb. And it was Jehovah that provided an escape through the water and put a barrier between them and their oppressor. As Christians, we too have been delivered. We have been set free, and we are no longer chained to sin. Because of the blood, death cannot hold us in captivity, and because of the Living Water, our oppressor can no longer reach us.
The Cup of Redemption – The third cup of the Passover Seder meal is “The Cup of Redemption,” and it is to be drunk after the meal has been eaten. This cup signified the slaying of the Passover lamb that spared the Israelites from the 10th plague. Those who had the blood of the lamb painted on their doorpost were “passed over,” when death came for the first born. This is the cup Jesus speaks of in Matthew 26:27-29, when He ate with His disciples for the last time, and this is the cup Christians drink when they observe Communion.

The Cup of Praise – The fourth and final cup of the Passover is “The Cup of Praise.” For the Israelites, this cup symbolized restoration and completeness. When drinking this cup, it was a reminder to them that one day they would finally be accepted by God. For Christians, it holds a very different meaning. It is The Wedding Cup. “I tell you, I will not drink of this fruit of the vine from now on until that day when I drink it anew with you in my Father’s Kingdom.” Matthew 26:29

By God’s grace we have been saved, rescued, healed, made whole. Saved isn’t about “getting” saved, but rather about “becoming” saved. It’s an ongoing, continual process of: “I have been saved,” because Jesus saved us by dying on the cross; “I am being saved,” as we are becoming who He wants us to become; and “I will be saved,” when Jesus returns and takes us to heaven. And just like we go “through” a door to get somewhere, we go “through” faith to step into being saved, which God has already provided for us. We must put our faith in the condition provided to us by Jesus, and not circumstantial evidence. When were we “saved?” The Cross. We step into that condition when we receive it by faith.


Ephesians 2:8–9, Romans 10:3–5, Galatians 3:21–26, Acts 4:5–13, Romans 10:1

There are things about God’s love, and a depth of His love that He wants to reveal to His Bride, the Church. The Gospel is a love story that He wants to restore. Love is who He is, and it is His motivation for everything He does. He wants to restore our first love to Him, the love that we have for each other as the body of Christ, and the love for others, outside the body of Christ. It is when our hearts and love are restored to the King that we are then able to freely love others.

We are saved, healed and delivered based on who we are connected to – Jesus, and not based on what we’re separated from. We can still be a “good person,” and not participated in doing certain things, and still not be in a relationship with Jesus. Jesus is the Way, and the only Way. It’s God’s rules, cuz it’s God’s Heaven, and His Way offers the most inclusive life there is. He came to save the whole world, and apart from Him we can do nothing. We have to stay connected to Him for everything, and not just look for being rescued, but look for our Rescuer, not allowing the world to back us up from believing and speaking with zeal – the truth of His Word.


Romans 10:1–7, John 15:5, Psalm 1:1–2, Proverbs 14:12, Philippians 3:9

Can you imagine what the disciples were going through from the Resurrection to the day of Pentecost – what they were thinking and feeling, and THE WAITING? So much of our lives are just spent waiting that is actually leading us from glory to glory, as we lean in and refine our focus, and wait for the promise of the Father. In the midst of the waiting, don’t abandon the promise. We don’t ever escape the waiting, but when the waiting is over, the Father’s promise always comes.


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