Like the children of Israel called to a place of promise, everyone of us, by His Word are called to something, and God places each one of us in a calling for a purpose. We cannot let our comfort keep us from what God has for us, but instead be separate from the world and walk in the plan of God for our lives. Everyone of us goes through a time where we don’t feel like we measure up, we’re not good enough, but God’s plan and purpose needs who you are, and where you’ve been placed.

Numbers 13

God is making oil. The Pressing is not your story. Becoming the Oil is your story through the crushing and pressing, just like an olive that first has to be crushed and then pressed. There are two millstones that can crush us. We can choose the millstone that crushes us and turns us into oil that God can come and consume, or we can choose the millstone tied around our neck to be drowned in the sea.

Olives have so much oil to give that they are pressed three times. Many people will be pressed for the first pressing, where we give Him our “Sunday Best.” Many people will be pressed to be useful and serve God. The third pressing is the everyday, who I really am oil. The oil in my home, how I treat my spouse and how I talk to my children oil. The Bridegroom is coming, you have to be pressed yourself. God is calling a people who will not just give them their best, or just serve Him with their works, but who will give ALL that the olive has to give.


John 16:33, 1 Peter 4:12–13, Romans 8:28, Isaiah 53:4–6

Family is the heartbeat of Heaven. We are moving into a time that people are being called out of Babylon (the world’s culture and system that is inherently evil), and awakening to the fact that their lives have been tethered to a culture that has been manipulating and guiding them in a false narrative towards Hell, and God is saying, “My body, my bride is waking up to this fact, and I am leading them out, starting with families.” There is a shift and God is moving and positioning people for the coming revival that is beginning and generating through families.


Pentecost is not a weird denomination, it’s a Jewish feast that literally means 50, and it falls 50 days after Passover. Holy Spirit is the Promise Jesus told the disciples to wait for, and is the one that came on the day of Pentecost. Holy Spirit is the person of Pentecost. Jesus baptizes us into Holy Spirit, and it is through Holy Spirit that we have supernatural influence in the midst of opposing forces to bring the Kingdom of Heaven to hand. Our hope is not found in horizontal solutions. Kingdom culture has vertical solutions that override natural realities. God is a god that wants to encounter you. The gifts of Holy Spirit are for each and every person, and we need His power in our lives to live victoriously.

John 14:15–18, Luke 24:44–53, Acts 1:4–8, Acts 1:9–15, Acts 2:1–13

The Cup of Praise or The Wedding Cup is the fourth and final cup of Passover. Exodus 6:7 “I will take them as my own people, and I will be their God” sounds very much like the verse in Song of Solomon 6:3 “I am my beloved’s and my beloved is mine.” “I will take” in Hebrew means “to marry.” These verses are not just promises, they are a marriage proposal. God is asking the Hebrews: These are my promises and terms, will you marry me?

Betrothal, called the kiddushin, is the Jewish ritual that takes place when making a covenant marriage. In Biblical times, the kiddushin was taken very seriously. The written words of the covenant are called the: Ketubah (ke-tu-bah). Once conditions of the covenant are discussed and agreed upon, the agreement is put in writing. The Ketubah or Word became the property of the bride. She would hold on to this document to protect her rights, and to be sure the groom kept his word. Once the Ketubah is signed by two witnesses, the couple would be legally married.

The Old Testament is the first Kiddushin and the Ketubah is between God and Israel. The first Ketubah was based on the law and it turned into a one-way love affair. The Hebrews essentially said, “I will marry you and be faithful out of duty”.

The New Testament is the second Kiddushin and the Ketubah is between Jesus and any who will receive Him. This second Ketubah (new covenant) was not based on duty, but on love. Jesus is saying to us: “Will you marry me and be faithful out of love?”


John 14:23–24, Exodus 6:6–7, Song of Songs 6:3

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