From the very beginning, God’s desire was Heaven on Earth. Jesus said to pray for the will of God to be on earth AS it is in Heaven. So we are to pray that Earth is the same way it is in Heaven. God assigned us to make Earth like Heaven from the beginning, when He put us in the Garden of Eden that we were to tend/work and keep/protect, as we increased it to spread around the world. Even the building of the Tabernacle and everything in it was God’s pattern as it is in Heaven. We are to build our lives according to the pattern God gives us on the mountain, and not the pattern of the world. We should look, talk and live different, and not learn to follow the world’s abominations against their gods, rather we are to conform and transform to be like Jesus. We are predestined to be like Jesus.
Genesis 2:8, Genesis 2:15, Exodus 26:30, Genesis 1:26–27, Deuteronomy 12:29–32
Will we be satisfied with little nibbles of bread for ourselves, or will we beg for loaves because someone is needing a miracle? The door may be shut now, but we keep knocking. We keep asking. Do you have the resolute boldness that goes beyond normal restraint, with no sensitivity for what is proper like Jesus taught us to pray that never gives up, never quits? We have nothing to offer others without Jesus, without hungering after Jesus for the loaves, the overflow to offer the people around us. “Lord, teach us to pray without ceasing!”
Luke 11:1–22, Matthew 25:6, Matthew 11:12, 1 Thessalonians 5:17
If it is possible . . . nevertheless. On earth as it is in heaven involves submitting our on earth preferences to His in heaven will. Jesus dealt with sorrow in the midst of God’s will. Just like Jesus, it is possible for us to be right where God wants us, and still experience struggle, anguish and grief. It doesn’t mean God has abandoned us. But it is when we do what Jesus did. Jesus, dealing with the flesh, went a little farther, fell on His face and prayed to God. He gave God His own preference, and submitted and chose God’s heavenly will. Do you have a “nevertheless” in your life that says, “Not what I want, but what you want God?” Are you praying for the will of God to be done in your life, or are you just praying trying to convince God to do what you want done?
John 8:29, Matthew 26:37–46, Matthew 6:5–13, John 4:34
If our prayer time is only trying to convince God to give us what we want, we’re not praying the way Jesus told us to pray. He taught us to pray the will of heaven to be done on the earth, not the will of earth to be done in heaven. His will is transformative and can take something that is and make it something different. God can transform our situations from what it is in the natural to what it can be in the supernatural. Our prayer, our worship and our faith matter.
Matthew 6:5–13, Matthew 15:21–28, Matthew 4:3
Earth is the the transformative object in Matthew 6, and Heaven is the model for earth to become like. Jesus came to be a representative of heaven’s principles and values that we align with. We have a Father in heaven, and He and His Kingdom is our reality that rules over the earth. He is God. He is Holy. Jesus said for us to pray to our Father that His Kingdom (way, system) come & His Will be DONE. Christianity is a Kingdom, and we serve its King. He is King Jesus!
Colossians 1:13, Exodus 33:13, John 5:19, Matthew 6:8–13, Matthew 12:25–26