There’s a fighting style for us to learn.

Float like a butterfly – SURRENDER.

Sting like a bee – FIGHT.

We always want the Joshua 6 moment, but not so much the Joshua 5 moment.

In order for Joshua to get instruction, he had to get on his face, and take off his shoes in surrender.

We have to surrender every day, picking up our cross, even when the plan is weird.

Joshua 5:13:15, Joshua 6:1-5, Daniel 10:5-11, Revelation 22:8-9, Exodus 3:4-5, Matthew 16:24, Luke 22:42

YouVersion Notes

The Son of God, the Son of Man will appear in the Eastern sky, right before our eyes.

And BAM! In a moment, we will be changed from mortal to immortal, from dying to never dying.

There is a day coming that Jesus will appear, and He will sit on His throne, and like a shepherd, He will separate the sheep from the goats. We will give an account to Jesus for our life lived unto Him.

We’ve all been given an assignment from God to PREACH, to DECLARE the WORD! We must be more concerned about someone’s eternity than we are about our feelings. We must teach the truth publicly, whether it’s convenient and favorable, or it’s inconvenient and unfavorable, whether culture says it’s good or not.

Jesus is coming back!

Is Jesus the King of your life?

When He separates you, will He separate you as a sheep or a goat?



Zechariah 14:4, Matthew 25:31–45, Acts 10:42–43, 2 Timothy 4:1–5, 1 Corinthians 15:51–53



Roads Church – we must not neglect our assignment that God has given to plant churches. Time is running short, and people need to hear the gospel of Jesus Christ, and the power of Holy Spirit. The world needs the truth! God is reminding us – Don’t forget what you were called to do!


FIND someone who hasn’t seen what you’ve seen, and SHOW them what you’ve seen! That they may never un-see! We have to find people, and give them the hope of Jesus Christ. This is why God has called us to go out and plant churches and to reach people in other communities. It’s not about us! We’re building His Kingdom – not ours.


Who is the last Nathaniel that you’ve said, “Come and see what I have seen about Jesus. He has changed my life”?


Who is the last Philip, the last Simon, the last Nathaniel that you’ve brought to see Jesus?


John 1:29-47 

YouVersion Notes

Church we have taken scripture that was meant for a specific people, with a specific issue, during a specific time, and used it in 2024 as God’s law, rather than recognizing it as the law and tradition of man.

There are no laws according to God that says that women cannot speak in church.

Paul did not contradict himself in 1 Corinthians chapter 14 and chapter 11.

Women – you have the same access & right to the promises of Abraham as heirs of Christ, as the men do. We must stop comparing ourselves with one another, pushing one another down. We must be secure in who we are in Christ.

Be secure Woman! Be Secure Man! You must be who God called you to be.


1 Timothy 2:8-15, 1 Corinthians 11, 1 Corinthians 14, Mark 7:3, Galatians 3:27-29

Perseverance in PRAYER!
The WORD becoming who we are!
DISCIPLINE to put God first!

Jesus well equipped us to be victorious and overcome! But like the disciples in the Garden of Gethsemane with Jesus, our spirit is willing, but our flesh is weak. They could not pray even one hour, but instead fell asleep. We can be on our devices or watch a ball game for hours, but it’s uncomfortable to pray for an hour. Our discipline to build up our spirit to be strong is in PRAYER & the WORD.

The Lord wants to prepare us for what is coming, so we are ready for it, and not just reacting to it when it comes that we would be victorious, and a refuge of people that holds the TRUTH. Are you willing to makes prayer & intercession and the will of God number 1 in your life?


1 Timothy 4:1, 2 Timothy 3:1-5, Ephesians 6:10-18, John 14:17 & 26, John 16:13, 
Romans 8:26-27, Luke 22:31-34, Matthew 26:40-41, Exodus 7:10-13
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