What did the first church in Acts 2 think was important? SOULS
God doesn’t just want people who attend and sit in a church, looking for an outward touch, with no inward change. HE WANTS SOULS! Those that receive and believe. Those are the ones added to the Church. The ones being saved.
And the purpose of the Church is to link people together with Jesus, and continue to grow in Him based on the 4 Pillars of the Church:
1) Apostle’s Doctrine – didachē – Instruction, teaching
2) Fellowship – kŏinōnia – Close mutual relationships and involvement
3) Breaking of Bread
4) Prayers – prŏsĕuchē – To speak to God
“Then those who gladly received his word were baptized; and that day about three thousand souls were added to them.” Acts 2:41
Acts 2:40-47, John 3:3-6, Ephesians 4:11-16, 2 Corinthians 5:17
There is a reason God told us to fast. When we consecrate or set apart our normal activity, schedules and eating for God to fast, conquering our flesh from ruling us, to consume more of Him in our life, it opens up freedom in the spirit.
We can pray without fasting, but we shouldn’t fast without praying.
“Now, therefore,” says the LORD, “Turn to Me with all your heart, With fasting, with weeping, and with mourning.”
Ezra 8:21-23, Acts 2:43-47, Joel 1:13-14, Joel 2:12-17
We need to step up, and step into the Promiseland of what God is calling us to do.
We were made for hard things. Things bigger than ourselves.
Like the children of Israel who thought it’d be better to go back to Egypt than going after what God had promised them, we can sometimes get overwhelmed and take a step back, but be encouraged – you have a God that created the heavens and the earth that is on your side. He will not leave nor forsake you. When we don’t go after everything the Lord has for us – we’re actually rebelling against Him.
Numbers 13:25-33, 14:1-4, Hebrews 10:39, John 3:1-6, Romans 12:1-2
We are to continue steadfastly in the Four Joints of Building The Body of Christ.
1) COMMUNION – the body & blood of our Lord Jesus Christ (John 6 : 48 – 51)
2) EATING TOGETHER – in the temple & house-to-house, the body of Christ must gather & fellowship
3) READING THE WORD – Encountering Jesus in the revelation of The Word
“And they continued steadfastly in the apostles’ doctrine and fellowship, in the breaking of bread, and in prayers.: Acts 2:42 NKJV
Acts 2:40-47, John 6:48-51, Luke 24:25-35, Luke 22:19-20, Ephesians 1:15-18
God desires to take people higher. There are many accounts in scripture where God invites people to “come up” to Him, to ascend the “mountain.” It’s at this higher place where He meets with people, where there are encounters, where people receive wisdom and revelation.
What we know is that going higher, always requires effort and testing.
It’s the journey that changes you. Are you ready to prepare for the climb?
1. You must acknowledge your current position.
2. You must prepare for the journey.
3. You must climb.
4. Prepare for hard conversations.
5. Get ready to encounter God.
There should be fruit as you journey. God is inviting you higher! He loves you and wants more for you. Are you ready to climb?
Genesis 22:1-14, Isaiah 55:8-9, Micah 4:2, Matthew 17:1-2, Exodus 24:12. Isaiah 6:1
Matt Scott is the founding pastor of The Gathering Place Church in Moody, Alabama, and is an Overseer of The Roads Church, providing spiritual oversight to the church in a variety of ways in leadership decision making and accountability matters.