Death? or Life & Peace? | I Will Build My Church

Rationally minded = DEATH Spiritually minded = LIFE & PEACE We must intentionally set our minds on the things of God. What we focus on, what we set our minds on will be how we live. If we set our minds on the things of the flesh, it will be lead by the flesh. If...

I Will Build My Church – Who Do YOU Say That I Am?

  Who is Jesus to you? In your heart? What has God spoken to YOU? Knowing & hearing God for yourself is “Personal Revelation Knowledge.” Not based on what your parents say, what your spouse says, what your church says – that’s called...

I Will Build My Church!

Church – Jesus said, “I will build my Church.” And we, as the ekklesia, are on assignment. ENGAGE the CULTURE of the world & STAND OUT, changing the culture to match the culture of JESUS, the Kingdom of Heaven. 13 When Jesus came into the region...

Immersed in The Rock – Meeting With God

YouVersion Notes God came up with a plan to come down to Moses, because there was no plan to go up to Him. Jesus came so we can be immersed in the rock, so that the glory of God not only be with us, but also NOW be IN us. The same glory that was going to kill Moses...