Partnering With Faith

YouVersion Notes Faith – is it a matter of it being too small? Does our Faith really need to grow? Or is it that we need to increase our kŏinōnia – our partnership, our fellowship, our communion with our faith given to us by God, and eliminate our kŏinōnia...


YouVersion Notes Stuck between the Red Sea and Pharaoh’s Army? Stand still! Look at Jesus. Keep quiet, and move forward. The Lord will fight for you! Even when the obstacle is still there, it’s our responsibility to trust God, and keep moving forward to...

As It Is In Heaven Pt 10

YouVersion Notes CHURCH – our lane is the EARTH! It’s God’s dominion. Jesus is the King, and the world needs the truth to be set free. God put a system in place to have His will be done on earth – PRAYER & DOMINION. We must be in relational...

As It Is In Heaven Pt 8

What if everything we’ve ever known about Church, is not like it is in Heaven?What if what we’re comfortable with is not God?What if what makes us comfortable doesn’t make Him comfortable?Church it’s not about us. It’s about Jesus, and...

As It Is In Heaven Pt 6

YouVersion Notes Church, we have an assignment! It is God’s original plan. It is to bring the Kingdom of Heaven to the Earth. It is through Jesus that we are redeemed from a dead spirit to a born again, living spirit that can house Holy Spirit. It’s the...