The Person of Pentecost – Holy Spirit

YouVersion Notes  Pentecost is not a weird denomination, it’s a Jewish feast that literally means 50, and it falls 50 days after Passover. Holy Spirit is the Promise Jesus told the disciples to wait for, and is the one that came on the day of Pentecost. Holy...

Salvation In Jesus

YouVersion NotesPDF Notes We are saved, healed and delivered based on who we are connected to – Jesus, and not based on what we’re separated from. We can still be a “good person,” and not participated in doing certain things, and still not be...

Standing Before The Throne

YouVersion NotesPDF Notes There are two thrones, the Great White Throne and the Judgement Seat of Christ. We will ALL have to stand before Jesus and give an account for our life, including all the good and all the bad things we’ve done. It’s God’s...

Preparing A Dwelling Place Pt 19 – Patiently Endure

YouVersion NotesPDF Notes We don’t like the word patience. Most of us don’t like to wait for anything. In our culture, we can barely wait for 14 minutes let alone 14 hours for something. But God says to imitate those that inherited the promises through...