Continue Steadfastly in PRAYER | Pillars of The Church

YouVersion Notes Prayer came first. Then 3,000 souls were added. Prayer makes a way! It is the plow in the ground that comes before everything that God wants to do in the earth. Jesus instructs us – ASK and KEEP ASKING, SEEK and KEEP SEEKING, KNOCK and KEEP...

3,000 Souls Were Added | Pillars of The Church

YouVersion Notes What did the first church in Acts 2 think was important? SOULS God doesn’t just want people who attend and sit in a church, looking for an outward touch, with no inward change. HE WANTS SOULS! Those that receive and believe. Those are the ones...

Calling a Fast – Consecrate, Set Apart Unto God

YouVersion Notes There is a reason God told us to fast. When we consecrate or set apart our normal activity, schedules and eating for God to fast, conquering our flesh from ruling us, to consume more of Him in our life, it opens up freedom in the spirit. We can pray...

Joint 3 The Breaking of Bread

YouVersion Notes We are to continue steadfastly in the Four Joints of Building The Body of Christ. Joint # 3 – THE BREAKING OF BREAD 1) COMMUNION – the body & blood of our Lord Jesus Christ (John 6 : 48 – 51)2) EATING TOGETHER – in the...

Joints of The Body of Christ – Fellowship

YouVersion Notes Fellowship – kŏinōnia – Close mutual relationships and involvement; partnership, participation; sharing in activities or privileges of an intimate association We are to “continue steadfastly” in Fellowship – both...