The Power of Pentecost – The Power Package

YouVersion Notes   When Holy Spirit is on our life – we have POWER, which means by definition that we have abilities, power, strength and might that we didn’t have before and without Him. With Him in your life, you can do all things through Christ who...

Men After God’s Heart

YouVersion Notes   Where are the men after God’s heart? Those who are: OBEDIENT – Submission to someone greater HUMBLE – Servant COURAGEOUS – Fighter/Warrior PASSIONATE – Worshiper A man with a heart after God – LOVES GOD!...

The Power of Pentecost – Speaking in Tongues

YouVersion Notes When we receive Holy Spirit, we should expect to speak in tongues. Holy Spirit doesn’t take over your tongue, but does tell you what to say, giving you the words to speak out of your mouth. We have to speak what He says. First – We are...

The Body of Christ – JESUS First!

YouVersion Notes   What does Christianity look like? 1) Deny yourself! 2) Take up your cross! 3) Follow Jesus! Being born-again is bigger than saying a prayer and attending church on Sundays. When we say, “I do,” we are married to Jesus! It’s...