Fasting & Prayer

YouVersion Notes LEAVE ALL. RISE UP. FOLLOW HIM.Jesus gives the invitation to “Follow Me.” Just like Matthew, what we decide to do after the invitation. determines the relationship. There should be a measurable difference in our lives when we choose to...

Kingdom Culture 19

Sermon NotesSermon Notes PDF       YouVersion Notes  Come, Lord Jesus! The Kingdom has come already, it is still coming and it will come in totality. Chad Everett, Lead Pastor of The Roads Church gives us the picture of the end-times through scripture, and shows us...

Kingdom Culture Pt 18

Sermon NotesSermon Notes PDF       YouVersion Notes  Will we bow to the beast? There will not be an obvious cut and dry line where you choose and stand in line to worship God or worship Satan. The Bible says that even the elect will be deceived and depart from the...