
PRAYER | Pillars of The Church

Chad Everett - Lead Pastor

February 23, 2025

From the Sermon Series: Pillars of The Church

In this teaching on Luke 11, Chad Everett dives deep into Jesus’ lesson on prayer—how it can be taught, learned, and applied with persistence. When the disciples asked, “Lord, teach us to pray,” Jesus not only gave them the model prayer (The Lord’s Prayer) but also shared a powerful parable about a friend knocking at midnight.

Luke 18 continues the conversation, focusing on the character and nature of God. If we’re going to pray correctly, we must understand that God is not like the reluctant friend in bed or the unjust judge. Too many people see God as distant or unwilling, like someone who has bigger things to worry about than our everyday problems. That is not God! Jesus emphasizes that God is a good Father who wants us to come boldly and persistently to Him, trusting that He will answer our prayers.

🔥 Expect revelation on:
✅ Why persistence in prayer matters
✅ How to pray with boldness and faith
✅ Understanding God’s willingness to respond

Jesus tells us that we should always pray and never lose heart. Even when our prayers seem unanswered, when things get worse, or when we face opposition, keep praying! Don’t be discouraged, and don’t give up. God will avenge His own elect, and He will do it speedily. Keep pressing through, and trust that God is faithful!

Don’t give up—keep pressing through! 🙌 


Matthew 28:19-20, Luke 11:1-13, Luke 18:1-8, Daniel 10:12-14, Acts 2:40-42