Chad Everett Core Teaching AVAILABLE ON YOUTUBE

Core Teachings – Video

Courage to Possess

Cross OVER! Drive Out! Take Possession! & Occupy! 

God wants us to possess our Promised Land. Our Promised Land is becoming like JESUS!


I Will Build My Church

Jesus said, “I will build my Church.” And we, as the ekklesia, are on assignment.

ENGAGE the CULTURE of the world & STAND OUT, changing the culture to match the culture of JESUS, the Kingdom of Heaven.

Let No One Deceive You

The ONLY way we can prevent being deceived is by knowing THE TRUTH.

The Bible is the truth. When we make decisions – we open up the Bible. EVERYTHING has to be run through the filter of God’s Word.

As It Is In Heaven

Christianity is a Kingdom, and we serve its King. He is King Jesus!

We have a Father in heaven, and He and His Kingdom is our reality that rules over the earth. He is God. He is Holy

Meeting With God

WHY are we coming to the tabernacle? To seek the Lord, or to check a box?

EVERYONE who SOUGHT the Lord went out to the tabernacle of meeting! When we come seeking the Lord, the focus is on ONE thing: The PRESENCE OF GOD.

. . . And Then the End Will Come

We cannot forget we serve a living God – and Jesus is coming again.

He’s going to split the Eastern sky and return back to this physical world and physically set up His kingdom and rule.