Are you ready to walk in heaven’s perspective for your life?

Rural America Flashbacks

You can be seated. Rural America woke up this morning and I was having some flashbacks from my childhood. Now, if Paul told you, we grew up in Avon, Indiana, right outside of Indianapolis. Our father pastored a charismatic church there, and so, as one of the four boys, we shoveled the snow in the winters and cut the church grass in the summers. It’s a familiar sight here this morning.

We were recently in Nashville, Tennessee, which is not rural America, and so we do get around quite a bit. I’ve had the privilege over the last 15 years to minister in 42 states and over 25 nations. It’s an honor and a privilege to serve Jesus, not only in church planting but also in the extra-local ministry that He’s given us.

I want to honor your pastor, his wife, and the leadership team. Can we just honor them with a big round of applause? I’m so grateful for their [Applause].

Stories About Paul

Yes, how many of you know Paul? You’ve heard of Paul? Okay, so I’m going to give a couple of messages this morning, this service, and next service. Then tonight, we’ll just kind of flow with the Holy Spirit.

Because you know Paul, Paul is the younger brother. I’ve got him by, I think, almost seven years. He’s a bit of a prankster and a jokester. He loves to get me back for making him suffer as a child. So, the way it goes is, you know, just a little bit back.

My wife and I graduated from Southeastern University in Lakeland, Florida, and planted a church there. Paul comes up and meets his wife there. They graduate, and then I had the joy of being his boss. We hired him as a youth pastor at the church in Florida and then sent them back to Indianapolis, where we grew up, to pastor where they are now.

At any rate, he was doing the work of the early church plant there in Indiana, and he said, “Hey, big bro, will you come and serve us and help me with this church plant in Indiana?” I said, “Yeah, sure, man. I’ll come up.” So, I came up and he put me in a hotel.

Pranks and Hotel Stories

I just thought, “Man, if we’re family, I’d be staying at your house.” But anyways, okay, that’s not funny. He puts me up in this hotel, and I get there, and it’s like freezing. You know, it’s a Holiday Inn, and I’m thinking, “Okay, it’s not a Motel 8. Why is this room so cold? It’s February.”

I go down to the maintenance and tell them, “Hey, I think the heat’s broken in this thing.” They sent somebody up, and we went to the meeting that night. We got out late, and I get back around midnight, and it’s still cold. I’m frustrated, but it’s just too late to do anything, so I bundle up with a couple of blankets and all that stuff.

I wake up the next morning, shivering, and Paul gets to the hotel. We’re on the way to the next meeting, and he says, “Hey, how’d you sleep last night?” I said, “Terrible! This godforsaken hotel, the heat’s broken. I hate the cold,” and all this stuff. He just starts laughing.

He said, “Did you check the window?” I said, “No, I didn’t check the window.” He said, “Well, before you got there, I pulled the window up and put the curtain across it.” So, what I—and neither the maintenance—didn’t figure out is that I was literally sleeping in frigid temperatures with the window open all night in Indiana.

The Prankster and Wrath Yet to Come

I still have not gotten him back for that yet. I will. But anyways, if you want to hear some more stories, we’ve got plenty of them. He’s definitely the prankster of the family.

Alright, I’ve got my spiritual son and assistant, Dominic D Tresy. Dom, will you wave at everybody? This is Dom. He travels with me some. I’ve written 15 books so far. My dream is to write 50 before I die. But we brought a couple of them in the back there.

I wrote a book called The Warrior Bride: Conquering Five Demonic Strategies Against the Endtime Bride. One of the main strategies that the Lord showed me that Satan is unleashing is called Family Warfare. I would encourage you that if you’re in the battle concerning your family, your marriage, prodigals, this book has a lot of strong stories and a lot of strong scriptural tools to help you overcome the works of the enemy.

Dom will be in the back there. You can grab that. Then, a lot of people have heard me teach on church planting, five-fold ministry, multi-campus stuff, and all that kind of thing. I wrote a book called Prophetic Pioneering. Its subtitle is A Call to Build and Establish God’s New Era Wine Skins. My friend Kevin Wallace wrote the introduction for it, but if you have an interest and a desire in any of those subjects—the five-fold ministry, church planting, things like that—I have a book back there for you as well.

Alright, good.

Introduction and Title

If you have your Bibles, would you turn to Exodus 3? I want to give a shout-out to the E-roads, all of the campuses that are watching. Bless you! I pray that the Lord Jesus encounters you this morning.

If I had a title for this morning’s message, it would be called Walking in Heaven’s Perspective. We’re going to look quickly at Exodus 3 and also Judges chapter 6—Exodus 3 and Judges chapter 6.

The Prophetic Call and Dreams

When my mom was pregnant with me—this is a true story—when my mom was pregnant with me, she had a dream. In the dream, the Lord told her to name me Jeremiah. God told her that I would have a prophetic call on my life, I’d write books, I’d travel the world—many things that have come to pass.

So, I started dreaming prophetically at seven years old. I tell people that’s the primary way God speaks to me: through dreams. It’s like a movie reel. I typically have three to five dreams a night. Sleep for me is work. I don’t nap, typically. The Lord just comes and encounters me. He reveals Himself to me. He shares His heart with me about other people. Sometimes the Lord will share with me things that the devil is up to that God wants to cut off.

We flew into Evansville last night, and Dr. drove through a rainstorm. We stayed here on the campus and I had a dream last night. In the dream, God said He wanted to raise up Gideon’s Army here in Norris City.

Walking in Heaven’s Perspective

Part of the way that my gifting works, or the grace that the Lord has given me, is I study, I pray, and I’m a good Christian, hopefully like all of you. But I’m typically given over to, as I stay in different regions and cities, the Lord will share His heart with me about what He wants to do there. So, this raising up of Gideon’s Army—if you’re like, “What are you talking about?”—I would just simply say I don’t know. I’m following the Holy Spirit. That scares some people, but a lot of times people have me in from all over the world because they want to hear what I’m hearing Heaven say over their region, church, or territory.

I do believe that there’s a Gideon’s Army here in Illinois. I believe that God is raising up Gideon’s Army through this ministry. We’re going to find out a little bit about Gideon, but first, we’re going to look at the life of Moses really quickly.

God Equips Those He Calls

If you’re taking notes, I would just encourage you with this quote: God does not call the equipped; He equips those that He calls.

I love a familiar scripture, Jeremiah 29:11: “Behold, I have the plans for you,” says the Lord. How many of you know this morning that God has good plans for you? Plans to give you a hope and a future. I love the Lord Jesus Christ, but Jesus came to reveal Father God to us. I love that. I’m just not a number. I’m not just some random person. I’m a son to Father God.

One of the ways that God reveals Himself as our Father is He heals us of all of our earthly father wounds. A lot of people cannot relate to God as Father because of their experience with their earthly father. We’re on a journey of healing, holiness, and deliverance, but I just want to remind you that God has good plans for your life. God loves us. We know He sent His one and only Son to die on the cross for us. But there really are good and pleasant plans that God has for you. And God loves to share how He feels and how He sees us.

Moses and the Burning Bush

So, in Exodus chapter 3, many of us are familiar with the story of Moses. He grows up under Egyptian rule. He’s welcome into Pharaoh’s home, but ends up having an altercation with an Egyptian. He kills him, goes out to the wilderness, and the Lord begins to knock on the door of his heart. The Lord says, “Moses, I’ve got plans for you. I’ve got a calling for you. I want to invite you into something.”

In Exodus chapter 3, he has this encounter at the burning bush. How many of you have heard this story? He sees a bush that’s on fire, but it’s not really burning. As he gets close, the Lord says, “Take off your sandals, the place where you’re standing is Holy Ground.” So, he receives this invitation, this plan from the Lord. But you see this collision where Moses’s perspective of himself clashes with Heaven’s perspective of his life.

Moses’ Perspective vs. Heaven’s Perspective

Let’s pick up reading in verse 10: “Therefore, come now,” God says to him, “and I will send you to Pharaoh so that you may bring My people, the sons of Israel, out of Egypt.” But Moses said to God, “Who am I that I should go to Pharaoh and that I should bring the sons of Israel out of Egypt?”

So, Moses is viewing himself as inadequate. Moses is viewing himself as, “You’re talking to me?” This is what God says: “Certainly, I will be with you, and this shall be the sign to you that it is I who have sent you. When you have brought the people out of Egypt, you shall worship God at this mountain.”

Then Moses said to God, “Behold, I am going to the sons of Israel, and I shall say to them, ‘The God of your fathers has sent me to you.’ Now they may say to me, ‘What is His name?’ What shall I say to them?” And God said to Moses, “I am who I am.” He said, “You shall say to the sons of Israel, ‘I AM has sent me to you.’”

From ‘Who Am I’ to ‘I Am’ Has Sent Me

I want to prophesy to you this morning that God is taking many of you here from “Who am I?” to “I AM has sent me.” I want to prophesy and speak the good news of the Gospel over you. Many of us are questioning who we are. We live in a place of constant accusation where the enemy reminds us of our past, what we’ve done. He loves to throw shame, guilt, and condemnation on us.

So many people in the church are more familiar with the voice of accusation, which is from the devil, than the voice of affirmation from Father God. I don’t know what kind of whispers you hear. I don’t know what kind of voices you might hear in your head, but the voice of God is speaking over your life this morning: “I love you. I have a plan for your life. The way that you see yourself is not the way I see you,” says the Lord.

God is raising up Moses as a deliverer in his generation, yet Moses, in no way, sees himself the way that God sees him. I believe prophetically God is showing me, over this region, over the cities connected to this ministry, there is a Gideon’s Army here. There is an unlikely company—men and women who have counted themselves out due to their past—and God is saying to you today, “Yes, you. I choose you. You are Mine. You are My beloved. I’ve not only forgiven your sins, I’ve forgotten them.” Does the Word of God not say, “I will remember them no more”?

The Power of the Blood of Jesus

I appreciated the worship this morning, and I think that there was some good engagement. But listen, when you grab hold of the precious blood of Jesus—He who knew no sin became sin that you and I might become the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus—the devil loves to throw your past in your face, but I would encourage you to throw his future in his face.

One man, called to deliver an entire generation out of Egypt in Exodus chapter 3, is struggling with Heaven’s perspective of his life. “Who am I? Why me? You’re talking to somebody else.” And the Lord says to him, “I’m taking you from ‘Who am I?’ to ‘I AM has sent me.’”

Will you turn to Judges chapter 6? Let’s look at another brother who God was calling as a deliverer in his generation. Again, you have this great conflict of the way that he sees himself, which is not the way that God sees him.

Heaven’s Perspective and God’s Invitation

I’m excited for you all! I’m sensing God’s desire and His invitation to introduce us to Heaven’s perspective. Judges chapter 6, verse 11. Again, Israel is in need. Norris City is in need. Some of these other campuses, some of these other regions—there is a generation that is in desperate need of the good news of the Gospel. But I’m trying to connect what God wants to call you to. I’m trying to connect it to how He sees you.

I have had the privilege of ministering and being around many anointed men and women of God who have done great things in God’s kingdom. The number one thing that I have noticed and observed about them that sets them apart from the rest was this one thing: they caught hold of Heaven’s perspective of their life. These men and women refused to listen to the voice of accusation, and they caught hold of Heaven’s affirmation over their life.

Gideon’s Call and Self-Doubt

Alright, here we go again—Lord, raise up Gideon’s Army in this region. Verse 11: “Then the angel of the Lord came and sat down under the oak that was in Ophrah, which belonged to Joash the Abiezrite, as his son Gideon was beating out wheat in the winepress in order to save it from the Midianites.” So, Gideon is down in a winepress. The Midianites, the army, the enemy, has surrounded this region, and Gideon is down in a winepress. In other words, he’s a big wimp. He’s afraid, he’s scared, he’s on the run.

An angel of the Lord shows up. Verse 12: “And the angel of the Lord appeared to him and said to him, ‘The Lord is with you, you big wimp.'”

The title of this message is Walking in Heaven’s Perspective of Your Life. God is speaking over this church and over this region: if you are going to fulfill the plans that I have for you, you must catch hold of Heaven’s perspective of your life. You must break out of self-pity. You must break out of the accusation room. You must deal with the guilt, shame, and condemnation that the enemy loves to throw on you, and you must be washed in the blood of the Lamb. In the blood of the Lamb, we are free from accusation. We are without blemish.

The Call to Every Believer

I just wish someone in this region would catch hold of this, and whose name wouldn’t be “Pastor.” Isn’t that really our problem? All over America, we just trust in the anointed man of God from the anointed guy in the pulpit. Maybe he’ll have a real relationship with God where he’s broken through.

Can I just tell you that it’s going to take more than one pastor in this region to see God’s Kingdom come and His will be done on earth as it is in Heaven? It’s going to take an entire church, an entire army, to begin to infiltrate the kingdom of darkness.

Again, I just want to clarify, I get that many times we’re about the mission, and we’re about what we’re doing, but if you disconnect what you’re doing from how He sees you, you will burn out. You will become disillusioned with the mission, and you will lose sight of how the Father sees you.

Gideon’s Resistance and God’s Destiny

Okay, so again—a collision. Gideon’s a wimp, he’s fearful, and says, “Not me, pick somebody else.” The Lord shows up and says, “I’m with you, mighty warrior.” I literally believe Gideon was like, “This?”

This is most of you today. Heaven is calling, and the reason why you’re not picking up is because we don’t think He’s talking to us. Heaven is calling. Roads Church, God is calling these campuses, and many of us are on the caller ID. The way that we see ourselves is not the way that He sees us. Until we grab hold of the precious blood of Jesus, that He’s washed us, He’s cleansed us, He’s forgiven us, that He is no longer holding our sins against us—hallelujah! Can we just give Jesus a big round of applause this morning? I mean, thank you, God. I’m not who I once was. I’m not that same person any longer. I’m a new creation in Jesus. The old has gone.

Resisting God’s View and Embracing His Perspective

I’m telling you, I feel it so strongly: some of us, God is trying to pull us into our future through how He sees us, and we are resisting Him because we are reminding Him of our past.

I want to tell you something: it is illegal to visit your past without the blood of Jesus. How so? They can’t even worship on Sundays because they’re more conscious of their sin than the Son.

Oh, we serve a good God. We serve a good Father. Thank you for the blood of Jesus. Thank you that He’s washed me. Thank you that He’s cleansed me. Thank you that the way that I see myself is not the way that He sees me.

Gideon’s Accusations and God’s Response

So, God shows up and says, “Gideon, I’m with you, mighty warrior.” Verse 13: “Then Gideon said to Him, ‘Oh, my Lord, if the Lord is with us, why then has all this happened to us? And where are all His miracles which our fathers told us about, saying, “Did not the Lord bring us up from Egypt?” But now the Lord has abandoned us and given us into the hands of the Midianites.'”

I love it! Check this out—God is speaking to Gideon’s heavenly identity, the way that God sees him. He’s calling him forward, and then Gideon’s already ready to accuse God: “If you’re such a good God, why has all this calamity taken place? If you’re such a good God, and You have a plan for my life, why have You allowed this to happen to my family?”

There are so many people on earth today that refuse to step into the good plans of the Father because we’re still accusing Him of what we think He should have done.

God Speaks to Destiny, Not Excuses

What does God do? Verse 14: “And the Lord looked at him and said, ‘Go in this your strength and deliver Israel from the hand of the Midianites. Have I not sent you?'”

God doesn’t even speak to the accusation. God doesn’t even bother giving time to his excuses. God continues to speak to his destiny. God continues to speak to the strength that Gideon does not even know he has.

I want to encourage you this morning that the Father sees things in us that we don’t think are there, that we don’t see in ourselves.

I want to tell you: “Why?” is an invalid question. It makes us an invalid. There are so many things in life that we will never have answers for. That’s why we have faith. God didn’t give them sickness. God is not the author of disease.

So many people are mad at God when really, you should be mad at the devil. And you should be so mad at the devil that we should learn how to make him pay.

You might have caused disaster or calamity in my family, but I’m going to choose to believe that God is good, period. And I’m going to catch hold of how Heaven sees me, and I’m going to allow God to raise me up in this region to destroy the works of the devil.

Call to Action

Verse 15: The conversation continues, the negotiations, the excuses, the pity party. Gideon says in verse 15, “Oh Lord, how shall I deliver Israel? Behold, my family is the least in Manasseh, and I am the youngest in my father’s house.” How many of you have a couple of good excuses in your bag? Moses is just on and on with the Lord again. God raises up a mighty deliverer, “Who am I?” Haven’t you seen what I did? The Lord’s like, “I’m raising you up, go.” Gideon, down in a wine press full of fear, he’s a wimp. But God sees a warrior. I wonder how you see yourself today. And then, how does God see you?

We’re going to do a couple of quick exercises this morning to try to activate you prophetically, but I want to encourage you to take time and ask the Father, “How do you see me?” Then, when we step into prophetic culture, you have to begin to ask God how He sees other people. Could I just encourage you? The way you see other people isn’t the way God sees them. If we’re going to create a culture of Heaven in this church and in this region, listen to the words of Paul: “I relate to no man according to the flesh.” Do you know how to relate to people according to the flesh? But then, do you know how to see people according to the spirit? Most people are so involved in flesh engagement and constant striving that we’ve never even stopped.

Prophetic Ministry and God’s Perspective

Again, you bring a prophet into a town of people, and they say, “Oh, tell me my future.” Here’s what I’ve learned over the 20 years of prophetic ministry: constantly talking to people about their future without helping them see their identity will never get them to their future. It’s how Heaven sees you that will get you to your future. “Oh brother, tell me I’m going to be the next Billy Graham.” Listen, you’ll never become Billy Graham if you keep playing video games and eating potato chips. Prophetic words just don’t “poof” happen overnight. There has to be a process. We have to engage with the Lord and grab hold of how He sees us.

Verse 16: But the Lord said to him, “Surely I will be with you, and you shall defeat Midian as one man.” So Gideon said to Him, “If now I have found favor in your sight, then show me a sign that it is you who speaks to me.” Listen, I’m about ready to whap Gideon upside the head, but good news—I’m not God. The Father is so patient. Has anyone ever been a trophy of His grace? The God of second chances, third… I mean, God is so kind that He works with us in season after season, and we become focused on our situation, our circumstances, all the reasons why, and our family. The Lord just lifts up our head and says, “Look at Me. Ask Me how I see you.”

Personal Story and Heaven’s Perspective

I want to share something personal. About a decade ago, we were down in Florida, planting a church. We worked with a woman who was about 57 years old but had been severely abused as a child. A lot of times, what we find dealing with trauma or victims of abuse is that they disassociate or fracture around the time of their abuse. This woman, emotionally, was seven years old whenever the trauma took place.

She was in our church, single, and emotionally unable to keep a job. It was tough in some ways, just trying to learn how to love her. Do you know anybody like her? It’s okay if it’s your mother-in-law or your sister—don’t say. But it was hard. You’re trying, “Lord, I know You love them. I know You have a plan for their life, but I’m just trying to figure out how to relate to the brokenness, how to relate to the pain.”

So, we were dealing with her, and I was growing discouraged. I said, “Lord, is there ever going to be a breakthrough? We’ve done all the classes. We’ve done all that we know how to do, and there doesn’t really seem to be anything we can say, ‘Wow, there’s fruit.’”

Dream and Transformation

So, I have a dream one night. I’m sleeping in our house, and in this dream, there’s an army as far as I can see. It feels like Braveheart. There’s the enemy there, and I look over and see this woman. She’s dressed in royalty, commanding this vast army into a mighty victory. I look a little closer, and it’s this broken woman. In the dream, I run up to her and I said, “Is that you?”

I hear a voice from Heaven say, “Yes, this is her, and this is how I see her. If you will listen, and if you will begin to relate to her according to how I see her, she will get her breakthrough.”

I woke up from this dream, and I kid you not, I’m roaring, laughing. I’m belly laughing. I’m laughing about, “Wow, God, I’m halfway embarrassed, halfway like, I can’t believe this is how You see her.” But at the same time, I’m so convicted, thinking, “Wow, I’ve been trying to relate to brokenness, but You see wholeness.”

I’m trying to minister to trauma, and God sees triumph. We begin to minister to this woman based on royalty. We’re not going to relate to you like a victim anymore. You’re a victor. We start filling her up with the Word of God about how Heaven sees her. Over time, we saw a transformation where, to this day, she’s unrecognizable.

Vertical and Horizontal Invitations

So, there’s this vertical and horizontal invitation this morning as we begin to close. The vertical is this: How does Heaven see you? I want you to spend some time this morning or this week, or in a journal, or in your car, and say, “Lord, is there a perception, is there a perspective of me that I don’t have, that You want to give me?”

Prophetic ministry—I tell people I try to demystify it. Prophetic ministry begins with loving people enough to ask God questions about them. God loves everyone, and so, if I know that God loves everyone and has a plan for their life, I just ask God, “Hey, what about this person?” It’s real easy.

Ministering Prophetically in Everyday Life

We had a guest speaker at our church about ten days ago, and he wanted to go to Carrabba’s, which is great because I like Carrabba’s. Anybody like—do they have that around here somewhere? (Okay, wrong restaurant. Whatever you like.) So, we’re just sitting, fellowshipping, and a woman comes up. Again, for me, this isn’t just a message—this is life.

So we’re ordering food, and God begins to fill my heart with love for her. I begin to recognize the brokenness of her childhood, the pain of her marriage, and I get caught up in God’s amazing love for her as His daughter. We begin to share the love of God with her. We begin to share Heaven’s perspective of her life, and I’m telling you, she starts sobbing. Do you know how many people wake up and struggle with self-hatred? Do you know that suicide rates are at an all-time high? Do you know how many people constantly rehearse and replay their sins and failures?

Generosity and God’s Love

What an opportunity we have as a prophetic people to just tune people into God’s great heart for them. She starts sobbing, and I’m just like, “Lord, I want to do more.” I love generosity. I believe money is a weapon. What do you mean money is a weapon? It’s a weapon that destroys darkness. So I say, “Let’s just rock her with a $500 tip. Let’s just blow her mind with the goodness of God.”

She’s crying, getting Heaven’s perspective, and I write $500 on the receipt. We don’t want to be seen by men, so we just walk out to our car. All of a sudden, footsteps are racing. This woman is literally, I’m telling you, unhinged, undone, running out to the parking lot, saying, “Who are you?”

Closing Prayer and Invitation

I am nobody special, but I know that God loves people. I know that He has a plan for their life. I know that, just like Moses and just like Gideon, we all wrestle with what we’ve done and where we’ve been.

Lord, would you just bow your heads with me for a minute? I believe that there’s a Gideon’s Army here at this church, people that are watching today, that are wrestling with the voices of the past—the failures and the mistakes. And God is desiring to share His heart with us.

Holy Spirit, we just thank You that You’re here this morning. We thank You that guilt is lifting, shame is lifting, condemnation is lifting. We love You, Lord. We love You, Father. He’s a good Father. He’s not mad. He’s not waiting to punish you. There’s fullness of joy in His presence. At His right hand are pleasures forevermore. Thank you, Jesus.

New Accountability and Freedom

I just want to say one more thing. If you could look up… We’re talking about a new kind of accountability. People come to you and confess sin, “I did this, I did that.” You can practice this with your kids, in a marriage, or in a work situation. We can keep going after the sin and the failures, or what I’m learning how to do is remind them, “This is not who you are.” No, no, no. You’re a new creation. This does not define you.

We address what’s going on, but we’re learning how to call them back to their Heavenly identity. If we just keep pounding and going after the sin and disconnect it from the Fatherhood of God, people are trapped in cycle after cycle. I believe in communities where the prophetic is activated—where we’re encouraging, strengthening, and comforting people. Counseling is cut in half. People no longer need pastoral counseling because we’re connecting them to how Heaven sees them. How Heaven sees us liberates us.

Even in a marriage situation, I encourage you with your kids. Do you know how Heaven sees your kids? Or are you continuing to relate to them in the flesh? One of my favorite things that my wife and I do with our three girls and a boy is pray and say, “Father, can you show us how You see Israel? Can You show us how You see Bella and Lydia?” We write that down, and when they act up, we don’t relate to them according to the flesh. We remind them, “This is who you are, Lydia. This is how the Father sees you.”

We’re calling people up higher. Are you tracking with me? God’s not interested in our opinions of people. We’ve got to get a revelation. And you’ll be surprised—I’m telling you, I think if you were there around Moses or Gideon, they’d be like, “You’re choosing this joker?” Sometimes we’re arrogant. Sometimes we’re prideful. I went to church once, gave a great word over a person, and the pastor was ticked off. “Do you know who that person is?” “Yeah, but prophecy doesn’t relate to people in the flesh. It invites them into destiny.” Guess what? A year later, the worst church member I gave the good word to was now serving as a deacon.

Closing Prayer and Blessing

Let’s pray to close. Okay, all over this room, watching online: Father, thank You that You love us, that You have a plan for our lives. “Gideon, where are you?” That’s what I hear God saying: “Gideon, where are you? Where is Gideon’s Army in this region and in this church?” The unqualified, the inadequate—today, hear the voice of the Father saying, “I love you. I have a plan for your life. The way that you see yourself is not the way I see you.”

If you know God has been talking to you today, you’re part of this army, could you just stand to your feet quickly? If you’re watching online, you can stand where you are. Some of us are walking in a Heavenly perspective, and that’s great—you don’t need to stand. If you thought the message was bogus, God bless you, too. But let’s just lift up our hands as a sign of thank you, Father. Thank You for Your love for us.

Isaiah said, “Here I am, send me.” He loves us. He’s for us. He’s not working against us. He doesn’t enjoy our pain. He’s not the author of our suffering. Lord, I just thank You that You’re lifting a lid off of Road’s Church in Jesus’ name. I remove, by the power of Jesus, every limitation, every lid, every voice of accusation now in Jesus’ name. We break You out of how people remember you, of replaying your sins against you. We just breathe a fresh wind, fresh winds of grace over this church and these campuses today. Freedom in Jesus’ name.

Let every sin cycle be broken in Jesus’ name. Father, release corporate dreams and visions from Heaven that we might begin to see our spouses, our children, even difficult people at work. Father, help us to see them how You see them.

Father, thank You for healing us of our father wounds. I felt that strongly this morning—whether you were abused, cursed at, or your dad was never even around. Lord, thank You for healing us and introducing Yourself.