Journey of Hope Part 2 Chad Everett – Lead Pastor Mt. Carmel Illinois Church
Endure: To Exhibit Internal and External Control during Trying Circumstances
I wanted to focus on obtaining the promise because Mt. Carmel Illinois Church I thought I knew everything about patiently enduring. I just thought it was, you know, just hanging in there.
Hold on, survive and then you’ll get the promise of God. So a couple of weeks ago when I was preparing to do this, I was like, okay, let’s go on that. Let’s talk about obtaining the promise. How do we obtain the promise? It was like God said Chad Everett, “Hey, uh, patiently endure.”
I know we’ve got to hang on Lord. I know we’ve got to hang on. I’ve got a window, but let’s for pray for the promise. He’s like, “Oh no, read it again.” I didn’t even look up.
Usually I look up words to make sure I understand what the Bible is saying because Mt. Carmel Illinois Church I assume my understanding of the English language is not always the best, because Mt. Carmel Illinois Church your Bible is written in, actually in the New Testament is written in Greek and Aramaic.
It is then translated into English. Sometimes the translators that translated into English, they may have had an idea what something said Chad Everett and may not have the ideal situation. So remember that the Bible wasn’t written in King James.
It was written in Greek and Aramaic. It was translated into King James. So King James, the original, was just an English translation.
So when I looked at the Greek word for patiently enduring it is one word. I’m not going to try and pronounce it for you. I’m not that smart, but here’s what it means. It means to exhibit internal and external control and be even tempered and patient during trying circumstances. Good God, is that even possible?
Let’s freeze it again. Maybe that’s a misprint. Patiently enduring; to exhibit internal and external control and be even tempered and patient while enduring trying circumstances.
Who wants to do that? Skip, huh? Let’s just go on to a different sermon. I don’t like this one at all. So in order to obtain the promise, we’re going to have to patiently endure trying circumstances and adversity. Chad, your encouragement today is off the charts.
How many knows we go through trying circumstances and adversity every day? It’s not like we can pretend they aren’t there. They’re there all the time.
So we might as well figure out what to do with them and if there’s any benefit because Mt. Carmel Illinois Church we’re all going through them. Also, notice what it says.
The definition here to, exhibit internal and external control thinking long minded, long-term thinking. So what does that mean practically? Here’s what I wrote down about practically. What does it mean to patiently endure?
Practically, it means to endure trying circumstances to exhibit internal and external control. Trying circumstances means resistance or opposition, temptations.
Controlling Resistance Creates Strength
I’m going to build this and then I’m going to pull it together and show you what I believe the Bible is saying. I promise you it’s going to be encouraging even if it’s been a little challenging.
Trying circumstance represents opposition, resistance or temptation. Remember, internal and external control in the midst of trying circumstances and in the midst of opposition resistance. The word control, when we talk about internal and external control, means to have influence or power over. So let me redefine this. Put it together.
I’m again just trying to make this understandable for you. Patiently enduring means to exhibit internal and external influence or power over resistance or opposition.
To exhibit internal and external influence or power over resistance or opposition. The process of controlling resistance creates strength. Let me illustrate. I brought this little dumbbell (fitting for me to carry a dumbbell.) But this dumbbells only 10 pounds.
Now the process: this 10 pound dumbbell has resistance or opposition. It has force because Mt. Carmel Illinois Church if I would drop it, it would go to the ground. It has weight to it. It’s only 10 pounds, but the fact that I can now hold this 10 pounds and control it from falling, means a certain amount of strength is present. I have at least 10 pounds strength.
Why? Because Mt. Carmel Illinois Church this is not controlling me. It would look like this, but I am controlling it. So now I am having influence and power over resistance and opposition.
Does this have resistance and opposition? Yes, I am having influence and power. I can move it where I want it instead of it moving me where it wants me. So resistance and opposition is present, but I’m strong enough for it not to influence me, but for me to influence it.
So patiently enduring is not just waiting and surviving. Mind you. I believe the Bible is teaching us that after he patiently endured he was able to have internal and external control, or influence and power over resistance and opposition.
This is what he wanted to do because Mt. Carmel Illinois Church now at 10 pounds strength, if I can have influence and power over it, and I begin to move it, what happens? Resistance and opposition, as I’m influencing it, what’s it doing on my side? It may be heavy and opposing on its side, but as long as I keep influencing it and it not influencing me, it creates strength.
Thanks so much for watching with us. We love our online Mt. Carmel Illinois Church and Norris City Illinois Church family and we invite you to connect with us. We have a few different ways you can do that. Our website is We are on social media as well. We’d love to pray for any needs you might have. So send us a message and let us know how we can partner with you in bringing the light and love of Jesus to your world.