Then the angel said to them, do not be afraid for behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which will be to all people. For there is born to you this day in the city of David, a savior who is Christ the Lord, and this will be assigned to you. You will find a babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger Mt. Carmel Church, and suddenly there was an angel and a moat with the angel, sorry, a multitude of the heavenly hosts praising God and saying glory to God in the highest and on earth. Peace, Goodwill toward men. I want to pray. Father, I just thank you for the reading of your word and I ask you, Holy spirit to come and just be here in a way that you bring life to it.
I pray that you speak to those watching on the internet. I pray that you speak to us right here in the room that God, this word will change us from the inside out. I pray the truthful about, and we just pray that every lie of the enemy will be exposed. So we give you glory and honor. In Jesus’ name we pray now Mt. Carmel Church. Somebody say a man. So Luke chapter two why was Jesus born? We celebrated. We talked about it when they talked about what was important in the video. The kids said it was about the birth of Jesus. What a great answer. Whether you’re a hundred years old or two years old, it’s about the birth of Jesus. So why was he born the birth of Jesus? I believe it’s much more than just a Christmas story. It’s more than a nativity scene with a cute baby and a manger and Wiseman and shepherds.
I believe it’s about more than that. I believe it’s about more than what we talk about when Jesus was born. Something significant happened that changed the course of history forever, not just for Christians, not just for people who call themselves followers of Jesus. It changed the course of history forever. Here’s what I believe happened. Jesus birth caused a convergence. Now I say convergence. That may be a new term to you. I don’t know how many people like the uh, adventure movies, the Marvel comic movies. You know Mt. Carmel Church , you got iron man Thor. Yeah, yeah. Who doesn’t like the Avengers? Well, maybe you don’t, it doesn’t matter. I’m not calling you out. I’m just saying those who love Jesus really loved the Avengers. So anyway, there’s, there’s two and a couple of movies. They have something called a convergence. And in this convergence is where there’s supposedly, again , I realize this is make believe it’s not Bible, so don’t get offended.
I’m not teaching from the Avengers Bible this 40, but there were nine realms to the universe and in these nine realms, certain times they would all come into alignment. And so now things could move and transfer easily from one realm to another. There was a convergence and alignment of all the Rams so you can move in and out of all those realms, well, when Jesus came to be born on the earth, there was a convergence. Now, not of nine realms, but of two of heaven and earth, there was a convergence of those two realms. Those realms came into alignment again. You’re like, well, why did they need to come into alignment again? Why did Jesus need to be come to be born will in the beginning? Let’s go back way back Genesis, the beginning of your Bible, God created the heavens and the earth and in the beginning, the creator, God, father, son, and Holy spirit created a universe and they decided to create an earth.
And on this earth they had animals and plants and all kinds of living creatures, but they wanted more than just an earth. They wanted more than just a realm that they could call a physical earth. They wanted friendship. They wanted relationship. So on the sixth day, God created his masterpiece here with us Mt. Carmel Church. His masterpiece was men and women. So this relationship was awesome. You had the God, the father, son, Holy spirit, all men, perfect convergence . Heaven and earth were in harmony. They were in sync. I believe that was able to transfer back and forth. It was a great relationship between heaven and earth until mankind decide to choose their own way. Abney if sinned ate the fruit. We know what his talk talks about that and from that point forevermore, sin totally separated the relationship between heaven and earth. Now, there was no more convergence. There was separation.
Sin had separated from God. Now there’s this huge impasse. We have a God, a father in heaven who loves his children, wants to have relationship with them, but sin is a barrier between them. So what is he going to do? How can you get it back over your Bible? Old Testament, thousands of years , God’s trying to use different profits and people to bridge the back, the the gap, but nobody could do it. No one could make it right again. No one could bring convergence between heaven and earth. So God said, what if? What’s going to happen? How they lost the nature of heaven on earth Mt. Carmel Church. They didn’t have a heavenly nature anymore. They lost it through sin. So God’s like, how can they get it back? The only way they could know how good I am and want to have a relationship with me is they need to come to heaven and see what it’s like up here. What it’s like appears nothing like what? It’s down there. But they can’t come to heaven because of sin. So they couldn’t come to God. So God said, I know what I’m going to do. If they can’t come to me, I’m going to go to them.
No, no man or woman was able to bridge the gap. This big a problem, this huge impasse between God and man. This is impossible to bridge unless a bigger solution came. So God himself would have to be the one to come to earth. So in the form of Jesus, he took on the form of a man, entered into this world through a Virgin born of a woman Mt. Carmel Church.