Eldorado Church | Game Changer
Welcome welcome so glad to have all of you with us today or welcome those watching online as well as those here in the auditorium will say:happy mother’s day Eldorado Church again to all the mothers that are here is such an honor privilege and without a mother. None of us would be here. It’s been a great day for me, my mom was actually here in the first service in my grandmother is here in the second service, so glad to have you with a small. What an awesome lady took me into her home for a little while and man what an adventure that was for her I’m sure we were so happy about god’s talking about here in our series game, changer we’re going to jump right into it today. So if you want to get out your bibles, your youversion bible app, you can get the sermon notes on there. Get your sherman oaks Eldorado Church out of your worship. God lets us to luke chapter 1, luke chapter 1, just happy about the bible. You can download those sermon notes there on youversion bible app. If you’re watching online, you can follow along with us, go to the event section and your youversion bible app, and then you will see those sermon notes available for you, game changer, the title, the series. Last week we talked about the top. The subtitle of this of the message last week was one more round. We talked about rocky, 5 and I said you’re dummy. You know she need to watch that pick up on that, and we talked about the three characteristics of a game-changer Eldorado Church three important things that a game-changer will have to have. They need to have some clarity of purpose. Why they’re doing what they’re doing they need to know what what their direction is need to have clarity number to they need to have have some sense of understanding of the creativity that they have on the inside of him. A game-changer is creative, a game changers, not original game. Changers, not cookie-cutter. A game-changer is literally disruptive. If you introduce a game changer into the industry in the business world or whatever it is that thing you introduced it’s a game-changer, it disrupts the Eldorado Church norm. It causes everybody to react to that. New product looks like that’s coming out. This changes, everything for the industry and it happens. It happens all the time. You see it around us what we need to be creative tennis game changers. We can’t be afraid as people in the business world in our in our business and our school in our relationships and our families, whatever we need, can be afraid to be original zombie game changers. So we’ll talk more about that later Eldorado Church than the last one was constant, see this what we talked about rocky little bit and how game changers just keep getting up, they do not quit they keep getting up over and over and again so we talked about the definition of game-changer. Here’s. What I submitted to you is kind of mind, made up i, say, make it up I researched and put a lot of things together and came up with this. One definition just means a new events has to be new riverside new new superhero be a Eldorado Church game-changer. You got to do something new, a new event and idea or action that ships or completely changes the course of action of a current situation, or it changes the way we think or do things. So, if something’s a game-changer when it’s introduced its new, so first off, we got to get over being against new things. You got to love change, people, don’t hate change that hate the way there people try and make them change. So everybody wants to change because they want to make progress. You can’t make progress without change. We talked about that last week. So now we realized it’s a new event. If I’m going to put a new, even Eldorado Church if I’m going to manage my team at work differently, I’m going to interject a new idea and that new idea is going to shift the culture of the team, hopefully I want to parent a new way. I want to interject a new way, a new way of thinking and that goal of that game changer, is to shift or change the direction of a current situation. I’m going to wake up tomorrow and I’m going to bring a new way of thinking as a husband, your you don’t do a game-changer waiting to see if people like it before you interjected you interjected, because it comes from the inside, so I’m going to change. How I spell someone changes that a verb? Eldorado Church Can you do I want to change how I am as a wife I’m, not waiting for them to change cuz. We talked about two different types of game changers. One type of game changer happens to us, it’s external, it’s somebody else, does something different for us and it’s a game-changer. You get the promotion you get. Some somebody gives you something you didn’t ask for it’s a game-changer to you, something like that or the second type of we’re going to focus on is a game-changer through us circular to be a game-changer to us or game-changer through us. I can’t control win game. Changers happened to us, but I want to be sitting here that Eldorado Church we will wake up and decide where we’re going to let a game-changer happen through us, instead of waiting for it to happen. To me all the time you want to talk about that when you look at that from a different perspective, what’s really important in being a game-changer, what we need to operate in is realizing. How can we do it? How can we let it go through? So I started this about the beginning of the year, so you know we do 21 days of prayer and fasting at the beginning of the year, and this year was we, went in the prayer and fasting time, I felt god, just challenging me say:i want you to go all-in I’m, like okay I’ll. Eldorado Church
Do that. So we worked out the details of that and what that meant for me and that’s why I did my best to go all the way in, and so he let me, through this process Eldorado Church to say, hey. This is going to be a game-changing prayer and fasting time for you, because this is going to be a game-changing year for you, michael k, wow anytime. You say those words that sounds great, but today we’re going to talk about some important decisions that you have to make along the journey of being a game-changer. It’s not always as easy as it sounds so doing a prayer and fasting time on day, 17 god spoke to me and gave me some things that we’re going to be game changers for me and game changers for a church and I’m going to be laying those out specifically next week, so I encourage you to i, wouldn’t miss next Eldorado Church week for anything I’d reschedule vacation around next week. If I was you I just so we’re getting ready, didn’t happen all this year, but we’re getting ready to launch a new campus, our second location as a church. It’s a game changer for never done that before it’s outside the norm. Suites we didn’t have that on the radar, but when the god start speaking me several years ago, he said she don’t want you to. We were one church and three services and he said I want you Eldorado Church to stop thinking about one church and three services and I want you to talking about one church in three locations like what three locations. Why would I do that where they going to be how’s that going to happen I start asking all the questions that we ask all the time right. Answers level, frustration that but but I january, 26th, 2013 I was in prayer and god just put in my heart and i. Just it was so subtle. I didn’t really think much about, but I just put it in my phone Eldorado Church january 26th 2013 god speaks to me about a campus in mount, carmel i. Don’t know why I was afraid about mount carmel I’m from albion to somebody far from now,, but I wasn’t, like oh i, know I’m supposed to go to I didn’t know any of that. But it’s got just spoke that to me so I just put on the back burner and then 4 years later, july 13th 2017, executive, pastor, myself. We actually went to look at south elementary school mount, carmel cuz. They they were going to sell. We would take a look at it, but okay. If. That’s you! August 16th I’ll give you the short version, the story:august 16th. The bid was accepted that we submitted to the school board october 18th 2017. We sign papers to take ownership of a school of a campus. So now we have a campus preparing for that. We’re Eldorado Church renovating it getting ready so that we can start our first additional campus for crossroads bible church. It’s a huge deal. It’s a big deal for us too, exciting. It’s a game changer, because we go from being one church in one location to now. I want you to understand. This is the first of many it’s the first of many and it may be hard to swallow. But how I don’t understand? I, don’t know either so we’re all in the same boat, roll together, but I do want to know something that we’ve been putting together. God put on my heart:cuz we’re going to have a campus patterns pastor for each location and praying about it like god. Who Eldorado Church do you who do you want us to select who’s supposed to be the campus pastor for that, and it is none other than the wonderful couple of kevin and amy gammon? Would you bring their pictures up there going to be the campus pastor, give them a half we’re going to be the campus pastors for mount carmel? They live in the fort branch area, but they’re going to be relocating to mount carmel, so excited for them. The only problem is they’re eagles fans and it’s a little bit of a Eldorado Church problem for me. Cowboys fans can’t have you. Girls fan is working together, but we’re still praying for them. We believe god will convict them and bring them around, but we are thrilled for them. Great people, wonderful people, they’re going to do a great job at that location. So we just realized the game changers happen and when game change that happens they disrupt the norm. So what were bellini leading into and believing god for is that just for god’s going to do for us as a church, I believe more specifically, god wants to do game-changing things to you. So what are the things you need to understand about yourself as a game-changer cuz? This is what I believe you are game, changers aren’t afraid of the impossible. They lead into the impossible, it’s a little bit Eldorado Church leery, but but they go for game changers. Do that game changers! Don’t allow the accomplishments of other people to a limit the possibilities of their accomplishments, a game-changer doesn’t let these words. It’s never been done before. They don’t let those words paralyzed their vision. A game-changer counteracts those words with the words there’s a first time for everything, because some people, when you introduce a game-changer, whether it’s a new technology, a new Eldorado Church device, a new way of doing things, a new way of thinking. It is not 100% widely accepted cuz, it’s so new. It’s like wait. A minute nobody’s ever done that before I know, it’s a game. Changer nobody’s ever done that for me before nobody’s ever after that, we know her to talk about I know it’s a game changer. So why are we always looking for wide acceptance before we do what god put in a heart to do? Why do we wait for someone to say it’s, okay for us to go ahead and step Eldorado Church out and do what god has put in your heart to do? What, if god’s telling you to change your behavior at home and you’re waiting for someone to accept you before you? Do it I’m just throwing that out for some to think about how many times we waiting for that? So, let’s look at luke chapter 1 I want to talk about game-changing choices today, so here’s the process, dogs going to speak something into your heart.
He already has many of you all the time, but god is going to put something on your heart during the journey cuz we’re going to talk about a game-changing mama, today’s Eldorado Church mother’s day, so we’re going to honor a game-changing mother, but I don’t want men or non mother’s to check out because there’s something super powerful that we’re going to be able to apply as well into our lives that when god speaks something to you in the beginning, there’s a process and a lot of times. We get excited in the beginning, but we get tired and weary weary and then, through the process somewhere we lose what god told us in the beginning. He’s ever been excited about something and the initial stage that you heard something you thought that’s what that’s going to be, but then a little bit of the process. You Eldorado Church like you i, don’t even want to i. Don’t care about that. I, don’t even know what happened. Sometimes time goes by and we lose sight of what god’s wanting us to do. So, let’s look at these things will have to choose, would have to make some choices. Verse, 26 through the story through and we’ll come back and break it down. Now in the 6-month, the angel gabriel was sent by god to the city of galilee nazareth, to a virgin me troll to a man whose name was joseph of the house Eldorado Church of david the virgins name was mary notice. He said virgin twice in one verse. Smu may have a problem with that word, but it is what it is other some words of people get a little uptight about researchers twice why they call the virgin twice in one 1, verse, i, believe it wasn’t by accident. I believe he’s wanting to highlight something to let everybody know where I’m at this is a virgin. No really. This is a virgin and I’m going to do something through this woman. That Eldorado Church cannot be done through man times, in other words, I believe this sometimes god highlights our humanity so that he can reveal his divinity, sometimes god’s, going to show you that you’re, not all that, because he wants to remind you that he is all that it’s like hey. This is a virgin and other words. It can’t Eldorado Church be done. That’s why I’m saying virgin can’t get pregnant that can’t be done now. We understand nowadays with technology. Some people can do that, but I’m not give birth. The can’t be done can’t be done. God loves those situations where it can’t be done. Cuz when it’s over and you actually experience it. Then people will have to look back and say it had to be god. Cuz I know them they’re, not that smart and having come in so the angel comes in check again put yourself Eldorado Church in the story of the angel says to her rejoice highly favored one. The lord is with you. Blessed are you among women, but when she saw him she was troubled at his saying, I’m considered what manner of greeting this was I read this I started cracking up I noticed an angel shows up and speaks to her and she’s, not tripped out, because an angel speaking to her she’s tripped up like what manner of greeting is this. If he likes your dog coming up to you and saying, hey I Eldorado Church need to go outside and you get upset because you’re busy watching tv hey. Why you bother me my shows on how your dog is talking to you kind of a big deal, I’ll be like yo, it’s an angel when i, don’t know what you’re saying, but I was just kind of funny to make the angel said to her do not be afraid married for you have found favor with god and behold, you’ll conceived in your room and bring forth the sun. I shall call his name jesus. He will be great you’ll, be called the son of the highest. The lord god will give him the throne of his father david, and he will reign over the house of jacob forever and I was king. They’ll Eldorado Church be no end. The mary said to the angel. How can this be since I do not know a man and the angel answered and said to her? The holy spirit will come upon you and the power of the highest will overshadow. You therefore, also that holy one to be born will be called the, son of god now, indeed elizabeth. Your relative has also conceive the sun and her old age, and this is now the six month for her. Who was called baron? What’s god, nothing will be impossible, but mary said behold the maid servant of the lord, let it be to me or cording to your word and the angel departed. Now, let’s go back to verse, 26 and let’s break this down, I’m Eldorado Church sorry for starting break. This house is now the angel said to her. Do not be afraid. Mary for you have found favor with god I want to talk to you about. Game-changing choices were all going to have to make a long journey. If we’re going to live longer than 2 weeks, we’re going to have some choices, we’re going to have to make here’s the first choice. We’re going to have to make. We find it here in verse. 36 do not be afraid member. This is an angel. An angel brings a message Eldorado Church from heaven. So what is the message from heaven to earth? Do not be afraid. How does heaven feel about fear do not be afraid he doesn’t want us to be afraid. He does not say that fear won’t come. He just says:don’t be afraid do not be afraid what, because you have found favor with god. He gives us a reason why we don’t have to be afraid he gives us an alternative.
We’ve got fear, so the choice will have to make his game changers. We will have to choose favor over fear. Favor I give you. The definition are in your notes. Eldorado Church The word favor means gratitude. Favorable attitude, acceptance towards it’s something that that you cannot get on your own. It’s something you can’t earn it something you can’t ask for. Favorite has to be initiated by someone else and given to you, you can’t beg for favor that person has to choose to give it to you freely and graciously. So here’s what it is favor if I give it to you in just a plain bones definition:favor god’s feelings about me:chanel in every situation, Eldorado Church I’m going to have to choose fear what other people think about me. Favor. What god thinks about me? Every game changes going to have to make that decision. Are we going to choose fear what other people think or am I going to choose favor? What god thinks once god tells you something? You cannot be moved by what people think about it. It’s right in our society and it’s not all the negative. It’s just the way it is in our social media culture. We love to post things Eldorado Church we want likes, we want shares, we want retweets, we want double to spare parts we want. We want all of that. It just feed that acceptance. People like me, chairs and lights I’m loved by many. What happens we get that feeling? But the problem is the bible says it’s improperly 29, verse 25 says the fear of man brings a snare, but whoever trusts in the lord shall be safe. The fear of man brings a snare. Snare literally means a noose or a trap. Here’s what it speaks Eldorado Church where your teenager, with your adult, we all have difficulty the challenge of dealing with what other people think about us. The fear of man is a snare. It is literally a noose around your neck. Why? Because, if we live in a constant state of worrying about what other people think about us, it will kill us. You like what you mean, kill me:it’s not going to kill you literally, but it will kill the real you because you’re constantly trying to adapt and change who you are to get acceptance by er from people that make keratin tube it’s about who you are but you’re, trying to change your personality, your hair, trying to act a Eldorado Church certain way. Will they, like me, will I fit in? Will I be accepted, it’s a noose around your neck, cut it loose, be? Who god created you to be be your personality flow like you flow, it’s a snare, but we’re constantly wanting to be lights, game, changers, don’t limit or lose their identity based on the acceptance of others. We got to choose favor, god’s feelings about me over fear of what other people think it’s a choice. We’re going to have to make got to make the choice. Eldorado Church You don’t make the choice one day and be done for the rest of your life. I wish it was that simple I got to make that choice. Every week, every week after I get done speaking I got to choose what god feels about me. More than what other people feel the people like that was that good did they share that? Do they retweet that do they post that do they liked it? They had like under the head, love just being real. You got to go through this, even as parents to my kids. Eldorado Church Are they did a lightweight riva like what I’m saying is. Rick’s of you can feel rejection as a parent, so we got a favor of god over the fear of man. That’s a first choice. We’re going to have to make we see that here. If his trip, let’s go to verse 31, that’s all he says, don’t be afraid for you found paper, verse, 31 and behold. You will conceive in your womb and break for the son and you shall call his name jesus. You shall conceive in your room now. This word conceived Eldorado Church is two different words come together, I don’t mean in union with or together with, and it comes with another word that means to grab hold up to see his to possess to take for one’s own. So you put the two words together and that conceived me to grab ahold of some coming to union, with something coming to agreement Eldorado Church with something make it your own. Take possession of it. Where are we supposed to take possession of? You said you will conceive in your womb? No ladies you’re going to have a better revelation of this than guys will automatically, but I want us all to understand that we all have a womb spiritually speaking, but to use a natural analogy. So you can get the spiritual revelation see when you, when you get pregnant with something you get pregnant in your womb and the Eldorado Church womb is the place of expectancy or preparation for something that is not visible or experienced, say that again, your womb is a place of expectancy or preparation for something that is not visible or experienced yet. So we understand that, as as in woman gets pregnant in the wound that they have a place, we expect Eldorado Church to see that’s why we say they are expecting lyrics. Specting there with child sweet, understand that. Well now, as a man, I realize, I have a spiritual room called my heart or my spirit and in my heart is where god can give me something. I will can see you I will grab hold of something in my heart. So now god can speak something to your heart and you have to put it in your room, place of expectancy and protection before it’s visible people don’t see it yet people don’t Eldorado Church understand it yet.
But god spoken something to you when you Eldorado Church get pregnant, you walk around once. You know, ladies help us up once you know your pregnant everything changes, you change. That’s all I’m going to say about it. You change it’s not all negative I’m, not trying to change you change. Can you change what you drink for something? Nobody else can see. You change what you eat. You change where you go all the sudden you’re, not riding roller coasters anymore, because you’ve got something on the inside everything you do externally Eldorado Church is filtered through protecting what you have internally sundown. My life changes my decision change based by what I’m trying to protect on the inside. Once you hear something from golf, it should change how you live your life. What’s god comes into your heart, it should change extra leaf because, what’s inside of you is more important. This baby inside of me is more important than throwing my hands up going down the roller coaster. I, don’t want do anything to mess of Eldorado Church it. I don’t want to eat that right before I go to bed cuz if I drink that or eat that rifle go to bed at all. Here, she’s going to go crazy and then I won’t sleep all night who sings happen. So why? When we do that about the truth, when god speak something into our heart, god put something in there. You’ll conceive in your will. So what is telling us is you got to grab hold of god’s truth in your heart, so he is a choice you got to make you got to choose faith over Eldorado Church site. You got shoes, i, believe what god told me more than what I see i, don’t see it happening yet I don’t see it playing out yet. But god told me this is what he wants to do in my life. So in that moment I got to choose faith. We walk by faith, not by sight you conceived in the womb. You don’t get excited about having a baby after you’re holding it. You get excited about having a baby. When you bring the strips I’m pregnant, you’re excited. Why don’t you wait and see Eldorado Church cuz you’re expecting we need to do the same thing with god when he tells you something get excited when he tells you not just when you finally see it happen when he speaks it into your heart. Put it in your room, protect it. Let it grow, let it develop. You may not see it yet, but it’s still there, so you got to make that choice of school. This next part he said she’ll bring forth the sun. You can see if you’re willing to bring for the sun, bring forth a son. There’s a couple things. Your encouragement hear you that god’s going to bring to pass what he said being confident of this very thing that he use begun a good work in you Eldorado Church will perform. It just tell me that, but the other thing that jumped out of me was a little bit off the radar you’ll bring forth the sun. You know that being pregnant and I’ve never been pregnant, but you don’t know the gender of the baby in the beginning, 20 said:are you going to conceive in your room and you’ll, bring forth a son now he’s giving them information that she cannot know in the beginning? So this speaks to me that has a game-changer you’re going to realize. Eldorado Church There’s some details, you’re not going to get it till later on down the road. You don’t know the gender of that baby until 19 or 20 weeks. So there’s some things in your life as a game-changer you’re going to have to be okay with i, don’t know, step 3 I’m still on step 1 I’m not going to get frustrated at what I Eldorado Church don’t know, I’m going to be encouraged by what I do know when we had our children with some people, don’t really know you have got four daughters and one son, the sons, the youngest, and we got our first two two girls and only 21 months apart sand, and so we kind of took a little break and decided to wait Eldorado Church when we were little bit gather ourselves and I’ll just about 4 years later, I’ve got pregnant again and found out it’s another girl, and so that was going to be the last one. And so we were we were done and okay, that’s awesome were some people, think. Will you just keep trying till you had a boy, I really wasn’t Eldorado Church how it played out. But so when you say you finally got your boy, that’s probably not the best intro cuz. Sometimes, if you don’t realize that kind of devalues my girls I’m just giving tips to people that maybe not talking to me, but if you talk to some other has free. So anyway, we go so now so we’re about to Eldorado Church you about a year-and-a-half after our third one don says I think want to have another on my quad, but yeah I think I want to have another. Really you sure psyche i, don’t want that. Third, one to be kind of off on their own. You know these two going to be really tight and we have a third wheel. I want to have another one, so we actually wanted our fourth one to be another girl cuz. We want to be two pairs. You or your sister, you built in best friend, belton best friend too, and two perfect number. That’s great good balance in the home, I’ll be out of balance, but that’s okay 5212. So we didn’t find out what the 4th one was. Eldorado Church We really wanted to be a girl, but we thought I was just go. Is the only one we didn’t find out through ultrasound I just want to talk to you about some details.
You won’t find out along the way, so we get to the doctors up. The doctor didn’t know Eldorado Church the one that was going to do the birth and that’s when ever giving birth I like to be right in the game. I don’t want to be walking in the halls. I don’t be so I like to be involved in. What’s going on, I’m just checking everything out. If this is too much for you already asked donna that this is too much detail. Eldorado Church Let me know she did. Let me know so. I’m going in the second service I gave her a chance. She didn’t shut me down so I’m right there, as the base of the head starts to come out. The doctor says, looks like a little boys had to me I’m like what? What does that look like what the difference I told him, your dog has and delivers, and is the baby comes out, i, look and I’m like I’m, not a doctor, but I’ve seen that before that’s, not a boy, I’m, not sure i, don’t know everything I’m, just saying I’m pretty sure. So what I’m saying by that is a game. Changer has to be okay. When it said you’re going to bring forth the sun you’re not Eldorado Church going to get all the details but notice what he says:it’s bringing for the sun you’re going to call his name. Why do you say that just what I think you think what you want, but here’s what I got out of it I believe god was saying hey when you get your promise. That I told you about when I bring that blessing into your life. I. Don’t want you to forget about me and start thinking now. You can call your own shots, call his name jesus, don’t call me ralph, don’t, call, him bob, don’t call him jim, bob I’m calling steve jesus is his name cuz, here’s what happens sometimes when we get blessed in our lives. If we’re not careful, we can forget about who brought us to where we are, and now we we, we start calling our own shots and god said hey when you, when the blessing comes into your Eldorado Church life, all the sudden you’ve got a little extra money got that promotion got that new job. Things are going well because sometimes we come to god in tragedy, and we forget about him in triumph I’m, just laying down some stuff. For you see. Sometimes we come to him begging and tragedy.. You got to help me get to know everything’s going good. We got got no issues, all the sudden we just kind of pick and choose. When we want to serve god. He says, don’t forget. When the blessing comes in your life, deuteronomy chapter 8, he says when I give you the promised land when you’re living in the houses you didn’t build, you got Eldorado Church silver and gold that you didn’t deserve when you have all that, don’t forget the one who brought you where you are game, changers, don’t forget who butters their bread changes. Remember where they came from that without god I am nothing so when I have something in the world. I want to remember the one who gave it to me. We can’t just live for god in our tragedy. We got to live for gun or triumph. Let’s go on. Look the next verse to verse. 32! That’s the angel starts pictures. Talks about your says, call his name jesus. Then they say they’re, so he shall be great, don’t be called the son of the highest and the lord god will give him the throne of his father, david gill reign of the house of jacob forever and others. Kingdom don’t be no end, but sorry for the mary said to the angel Eldorado Church yo come out sorry to interrupt you there, but how can this be since I do not know a man, the messenger come start talking about how great it’s going to be he’s going to be great room:father, david, house of jacob laying up son of the highest. All this great stuff is going to happen, he’s all tied up and what it’s going to be and mary’s trip at like 1. Come out. You remember that part in the previous few verses. When you call me a virgin twice, I’m, still a virgin. Eldorado Church How can what you’re saying ever happened to me? Mary looked at her limitations, I believe what god was saying was impossible, because what she couldn’t figure out, we are just like mary, the god speak something to us and we say how:how can that be? How can that be? I, don’t know a man. How can that be you’re going to have to choose this in your in your walk? Is a game-changer you’re going to have to choose the supernatural over the natural she understood the natural connection. Okay, I understand, you know, I’ll, give you the man. Okay, we got baby i, understand that part I got that, but now you’re talkin about something I’m not going to be able to man and yet I’m going to bring for the sun,. Then you got all tied up in that big bright in the highest son of the house of Eldorado Church jacob, throwing to david, but I’m still way back here, trying to figure out how you know what a little excited. Sometimes god gets ahead of himself because he knows the end from the beginning and sometimes god’s going to tell you some stuff and it’s going to be way ahead. But you just got realize. God sees something that we don’t see that so he’s just trying to encourage you I see how this is going to turn out. Follow me never followed. Somebody that’s been somewhere, Eldorado Church you never been before and they get excited about where you’re going and you have no idea where you’re going you don’t like this is going to be great.
It’s going to be so excited you haven’t experienced because they have already Eldorado Church experienced that you need to know. God has already experienced everything that he’s promising you and he gets excited before you ever get to see it. She said, i, don’t know man i, don’t know man, you and i. We don’t need to know a man. We need to know dee man, you don’t need to have all the earthly connections. You don’t need to know how god’s going to bring it to pass. I know we want to know how but game changers are willing to believe god, even when they can’t have the foggiest idea how it could ever work out, because god told me game-changers, believe god, you don’t have to choose between the supernatural and the natural Eldorado Church who’s going to next part then burst 35 an angel answered and said to her. The holy spirit will come upon you. The holy spirit will come upon you and the power of the highest will overshadow. You therefore, also that holy one has to be born will be called the, son of god, verse, 35 and other choice. We’re going to Eldorado Church have to make will have to choose his power over our abilities, his power she’s, like okay, how’s, this going to happen angel, said I’ll. Tell you exactly how it’s going to happen to have the holy spirit will come upon you, and now the power of the highest will be available to you. So we got to realize when god is telling us to do something. If he’s telling you to change your behavior as a husband, the holy spirit, the power of the holy spirit is available to help you to Eldorado Church change a man, but that’s good., good job. All the time we look at our abilities. We look at what we can do, what he can do you ask after 1 verse, 8, you will receive power when the holy spirit comes upon. You, you want to be a game-changer in a situation, will stop being limited by your abilities and start engaging Eldorado Church in his power. You will have to choose his power over your ability. We will say no to many times because we’re filtering what god is asking us to do through our ability to get it done. God’s telling you things that you can’t do and he loves it. He loves to tell you to do things you can’t do while, because it causes us to depend on him. I, don’t want you to believe from multiple campuses, god I can’t even do one I know you need me. This is what you’re talking about you need to believe for the impossible. That’s what he wants stretch let’s go to next verse. You have to choose to his power over your abilities, verse 36 now, Eldorado Church indeed elizabeth your relative. He starts talking about. Somebody else now need your elizabeth. Your relative has also can see the sun and her old age, and this is now the six month for her who was called baron, who was hilarious. I was called look what happens mary little bit trepidatious about this whole baby. No man conception, think i, understand, there’s a little bit of a reputation on the line. Let me know. Everybody was going to believe her pregnancy was at the holy spirit. Not everybody on facebook was going to click like when she posted hey good news, I’m pregnant by the holy spirit, not everybody’s, going to believe that story. Her own reputation was on the line, so she’s a little bit trepidatious about it. So then the angel says:hey wait! A minute. You know your cousin elizabeth who’s too old. To have a baby now was called baron she’s pregnant 6 months in the testimony of what god was doing for someone else sometimes can be a game-changer for you. This is why you need to be ready to tell your story. What has god done for you when you tell someone what god has done for you, it can Eldorado Church be a game-changer in their life. Cuz they’ll, look at you and sex. If god can do it for them, then there’s hope for me:individual razors, hannon accepted christ in the first service I got to talk to him afterwards and and his we’re sharing, you just said:hey it’s a big deal for me and I’m, like yeah I know, but not only should have big deal for you, but it’s a big deal for everyone. That knows you, because the change that’s happened in your life today will give them hope. It’s something can change in their life. Elizabeth story encourage mary. Your story will encourage someone else. You got to be able to tell him, but Eldorado Church look what the story was. Elizabeth who was called baron was called. Why is she not called barron anymore because she’s pregnant? How many of us need to tell our story of what we was called? You was called a drunkard. You was called perverted. You was called an addict. You was called you had temper issues, you was called whatever your was called was I was called lost, I was called hopeless, I was called depressed, I was called, suicidal I was called, but now jesus Eldorado Church came into my life. I was told if I was called an orphan I was what were you was called, but god came into your life and now everything’s changed steam game changers focus on what god calls them more than what they was called. Game changers are going to have to choose between their past and the future, and if we related to god, we have a future in christ and I can’t be caught up in what I was called I like to tell stories of what I was called, because now people get Eldorado Church to experience. What I am called I am called the son of god I am called a child of god, that’s not who I was, but it’s who I am but be careful.
Some people want you to wear the label of your was called all your Eldorado Church life. They want to know who you are I know where you been I know where you are I know what you’ve done. That’s what I was called. That’s what it was called that was yesterday today’s a new day, oh yeah, if you have to prove it to me, I know but I’m not trying to prove it to you. I’m accepting from him and I’m accepted Eldorado Church what I was caught I’m choosing what I am called over. What I was called was frieza’s home last two verses, 437 full with god. Nothing will be impossible with god. Nothing will be impossible with god. Nothing will be impossible game changers realize with god. No, nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing will be impossible. You don’t understand my thing. What’s your thing, it’s your thing. Do what he wants you to do. Nothing will be impossible. What’s your situation, no thing what you think you’ll understand my thing:i, don’t even know your thing with god. The question is not. What is your thing? The question is:are you with god? Eldorado Church We want to magnify or thing, but my thing is so big. My thing it’s so impossible. My thing is so overwhelming my thing, my thing my thing and got his head focus on being with me to talk about the with god more than you talk about your thing, all the sudden, your thing most seem so big, because your god will be exalted with god, nothing being possible. Look for studying. Then mary said these words after she heard the word from god for the testimony about elizabeth, so that nothing will be impossible. Verse, 38, then mary said be home, the maid servant of the lord. She started singing the beatles song. Let it be let it be maybe. Eldorado Church What. She said, let it be to me according to your, what let it be to me. According to your words, let it be to me, according to your word, here’s what you’ll have to overcome the last choice you have to make you’ll have to overcome, but you have to make the choice between his word and your life. What did god say and then you have to go to say this. Let it be to me go to make all the promises you can hear all of his servants in the world. You can read everything in your Eldorado Church bible, but until you and I say these words, let it be to me it will be something that passes over and goes to someone else. You need to grab it say:hi I’m grabbing it right here. Let it be to me, according to your work, i, don’t understand it. I, don’t see how it’s going to work out. I can’t figure it out, but game changers, don’t wait for all the details before they buy in and say god, let it be to me, according to your word, let it be to be according to what you’re saying, Eldorado Church let it be to me not according to what I understand, but let it be to me according to what you say to me, not according to what everybody except game. Changers are not waiting for vast approval from humanity there waiting on a word from god. What did god tell you will happen in your relationship? If you do what god says I know, but they don’t go to receive it, they aren’t going to do that. So we just won’t tell us to do because we don’t see how it’s going to play out. God speaks to me and tells me how I want you to be i. Want you to do this, for your wife i! Want you to act this way today, once you say these things, yeah yeah, Eldorado Church but what difference how she going to respond to that I didn’t say anything about that. I just said:do your part, my friends are jacked up we’re going crazy talk to about me being mean to me I’m, a back okay. So are you going to wait for them to change or you going to change here’s? What I want you to i? Want you to go. Be nice to your friends. I want to see what you speak! Well, i! Want you to i! Want you to i, want you to send a nice text. I want you to do this about what, if they don’t, but if they have, they go to respond, how they have, and we wait on how things going to play on before we decide to engage. Told us to do Eldorado Church you cannot do it. If you’re wanting to get in a relationship, you can help people that have never been married. You’re wanting to be married. You cannot wait for the other side of the equation. To do your side of the equation. You got to love. You got to do your part. You can’t wait for why to do his job. If your Eldorado Church ex, you got to do your job, do your job, let god, and why work out their job do your job. The formula will never work out. If you don’t do yours well do mine, when why does his wonderful wife saying the same thing volume on when next does his you understand what I’m saying I’m going to make these choices Eldorado Church
Transcribed by https://endquote.net