So the heavens started playing a song. The angels, the harps came out. I love that confirmation from above. Oh my goodness gracious. That is just too funny. In order to have full healing, we have to understand that there’s a spiritual issue and a soul issue. We have to deal with the spiritual side and we have to deal with the soul side because they feed off of each other Mt. Carmel Illinois Church.

We can’t just get super spiritual with everything. Oh, just pray for me and break it off. That’s a part of it. But we also have to deal with our soul. We can’t just go to therapy and deal with our soul and not understand. There’s a spiritual dynamic as well. Those two have to be married, right?

Third John two beloved, I pray above all things that you prosper and are in health even as your soul prospers. The degree to which we prosper in our soul determines how we do that. The degree to which we prosper in life. Proverbs 18 seven a fool’s mouth is his destruction and his lips are the snare of his soul. Wait a minute. My own lips snare myself emotionally, my mind will and emotions, my lips, not what you’ve done to me, not how you’ve betrayed me. Not nothing that you’ve done, but my own lips, snare my mind, my will, and my emotions Mt. Carmel Illinois Church.

Proverbs 2123 whoever guards his mouth and tongue keeps his soul from troubles. So wait, I can either snare my soul or I can guard and protect my soul depending on my mouth. So what did I do? What I did real quick, as I, as I looked at all the lies I was hearing from the enemy, all the things I was struggling with and I went after the word of God. You know, Ephesians six is the armor of God. Every piece of our armor is protective and defensive except for one weapon with which to fight. Do you know what that is? The sword of the spirit, which is the word of God Mt. Carmel Illinois Church

So I said, let me start using my sword of the spirit. So when fear would hit me, I would do it. What we all normally do. I would think about the thoughts and I would ruminate on fear and let the fear stir up. And then before you know what, you’re having a full blown, full blown panic attack. But God said no. Start to use your sword of the spirit. So I went to the Bible and I found what God said about fear. Second Timothy one seven God has not given me a spirit of fear, but power, love, and a sound mind. So I started to wield my sword. God has not given me a spirit of fear, but power, love, and a sound mind. God has not given me a spirit of fear, but power, love, and a sound mind. I didn’t care how much I had to say it.

Actually, I was saying it so much. I heard a little voice in my head say hi, crazy lady. Hi. Crazy lady. Or just walking around saying a sentence and I knew at that point that it was, it was powerful because the enemy didn’t want me to speak the word of God because the word of God that goes forth out of our mouth, it shall not return void. So a lot of us are waiting for circumstances to change. You know, I’ve got to see it to believe it. That’s not how the kingdom works. We got to believe it, think it and speak it in order to see it. That’s how we position ourself. Now speaking the word, the only answer in life, no, but let me tell you, it’s a big piece of the puzzle. If you start speaking the word of God, you will see radical change in your life Mt. Carmel Illinois Church.

Radical, radical change. Radical. I was dealing with my food issue. I grabbed onto a scripture in John four and I felt that pressure to binge. I would say I have food to eat of which you do not know. My food is to do the will of him who sent me into finish his work. When I was dealing with anxiety, I grabbed on to Philippians four I mentioned for nothing, feeling anxious. I am anxious for nothing but in everything through prayer and supplication with Thanksgiving, I make my request known to God and the peace of God which passes all understanding guards my heart and mind through Christ Jesus. This is how we fight the good fight of faith. Guys, this is one of the ways and I got to tell you, when we become believers, we all get a sword but very few become masters with the sword.

Very few because no one can become a master for you. Only we can wield our own sword. Jesus prayed this way. He declared things into existence. This is how all of earth was created. God spoke things into existence. Now look, whenever there’s a powerful biblical tool, the enemy perverts it. What I’m talking to you right now is not name it and claim it. What is name and claim it. We just decide what I want and I just say I name and claim that Porsche, I’m naming claim that husband I name and claim whatever I feel like, no, no, no, no, no Mt. Carmel Illinois Church.

We’re not just naming and claiming things. We’re speaking the word of God so we can appropriate the promises that are already ours. Gender, sand is already ours. Wellbeing is already ours. Relationship relationships are already hours. Walking in health is already ours, but we’re fighting an enemy. And one of the tools that God gave us to fight is the sword of the spirit, which is the word of God Mt. Carmel Illinois Church.

Deuteronomy 30 19 I set before you life and death, blessing and cursing. It’s always an opportunity. Every minute of the day. Is it an opportunity every minute of the day, death and life, blessing and cursing. But what does the scripture say? Choose life. And one of the ways we choose life is by speaking life.